Blog directory only lists trusted main resources that are already available on the famous Alive directory. This way, you only get good contents!. Browse through your favorite blog categories and much more. Of course, if you want to advertise your blog on thier directory, there are yearly and permanent submission plans available.
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
where all blogs gather :)
Blog directory only lists trusted main resources that are already available on the famous Alive directory. This way, you only get good contents!. Browse through your favorite blog categories and much more. Of course, if you want to advertise your blog on thier directory, there are yearly and permanent submission plans available.
want to spend independance day in the museum?

read more bout it here!
Amazing event coming soon. what better way to celebrate independence day in a museum. :)
Sunday, 26 August 2007
staying safe online?

Do you guys know that IP is like your Identification Card on the WORLD WIDE WEB? Everytime you visit a webpage or chat online or download anything online or ANYTHING, you are recognized through your IP address. Which means that if you think that, heck I can just turn of my computer after downloading porn or anything, and they wont catch me. Its not true. There are already cases where security is concern. The police can even track your IP, the exact time you online (for dynamic IPs) with your internet service provider and BOOM. You get caught :p
There is a solution. Look out for softwares that protects your IP or rather hide IP address.
For example, have a look at their website.
You can right click on your streamyx status and see you IP. It’s the same on the website. Theres even your country flag there too! If you are concerned about going online without camouflaging, try out their product. Maybe that will keep you safe from you-know-who because u did you-know-what.
Watch what you plant!
but you got to watch what you plant!
GREENSBORO, N.C. - A 71-year-old woman was arrested on drug charges after a chest-high marijuana plant was found in her yard, a plant she said was meant to keep animals away from her garden.
A sheriff's deputy saw the plant as he drove past Betty Holt Walker's home earlier this month, according to Capt. Tony Caliendo of the Guilford County Sheriff's Department.
Shes 71 years old! thats way old!
Walker told the deputy she found the first plant _ which had grown to more than 4 feet tall when he saw it _ in her garden and repotted it. She said it was a special plant used to keep animals out of her front yard.
"This wasn't something that was meant to keep animals away," Caliendo said.
Do you think you believe her? Maybe she is selling them or maybe she REALLY doesnt know? Wow the judge is going to have a hard time.
Walker is due in court Sept. 12 to face charges of manufacturing marijuana and felony possession of marijuana. A daughter who lives in the home was unaware the plants were in the yard and was not charged, Caliendo said.(link)
Shes so old already. How are they going to prosecute her? Jail? Most probably she will be fined. But does that mean old people can break the law? or Rob the bank?
Saturday, 25 August 2007
Home theater

i mean LOOK AT IT!(a big good look please!) look at the flawless design, exquisite taste, the aura, the smell of it. It makes me go high, thats why i LOVE IT. its going to complement the color of my new place, makes the guests go woo waaa weee and everyone is going to like it. Talk bout having a real cinema(much more comfortable) in your home! This is what my home theater system is missing!
Well, thats my favorite piece out of many other excellent furnitures from It pleases me to see the designs i like before planning to buy it. It makes side by side comparisons easier and i don't have to waste my time going from store to store looking for what i want. If you are having troubles with finding furnitures, hop on to Houston furniture
Best of all you can get everything there. from the furniture set to the HIFI to the accessories. That way we can get more discount!
They provides excellent service and excellent discount. Plus there are also financing help for you to manage your budget with them, your furniture plan and theres also custom designs. Whichever way you want it they have it. In fact, the sales representatives will guide you throughout your buying process. Give them a call or email them. I find this service to be very useful, especially after-service. Many furniture look good when they arrive but its not actually true after a couple of weeks. Maybe the color can fade or the wood is not properly done. Buying furniture can actually be a hassle! therefore always look out for reliable sellers. Gallery Furniture gives good first impression and also many excellent looking products. Quality may seem to be their thing. Why not give them a try?
Weight loss as a plan
"If you don't have a plan, you're not going to lose weight," says the study's author, preventive-medicine specialist Dr. Warren Thompson, whose research was published in August's Mayo Clinic Proceedings.
Having a weight loss plan is crucial. It can be done with your nutiritionist, fitness intructor or the doctor. But dont just stop at a PLAN! discipline is very important. im having dicipline issued with my diet. eveytime i go on diet i will be on diet for real. then not long after ill be eating again, EVEN WORSE than before!
"I've had a patient whose mother whispered the letters w-e-i-g-h-t to me, with her hand over her mouth so the child couldn't see. I could tell it was something they had thought about and didn't want to bring up with the child," says Jacobson. Still, he insists that doctors must discuss the topic. One way to do so gently, he says, is to avoid the word obese and instead say the child has a weight problem. Doctors may also tell kids that their weight is a couple of years ahead of their age. Then, Jacobson says, he focuses the discussion more on the behaviors that could help improve the situation--like watching less TV and playing outside more--instead of concentrating principally on shape.
face the reality. if I am fat, I AM FAT!. a thousand people lying to you saying you are not when you ARE wont help. in the end you will only lie to yourself. WHY? does fat people have health problems? YES. and a million people who thinks you are still slim will not get rid of the increased risk of health disease.
"You don't want to make people feel embarrassed and not want to come back to you. You want them to get treated," he says. Jacobson stresses that every pediatrician should determine a child's body-mass index (BMI)--a figure arrived at by factoring weight and height to produce a two-digit number that roughly diagnoses obesity. BMI is an imperfect metric, in part because it does a poor job of taking body type and muscle mass into consideration, meaning that a stocky person with low body fat can be labeled obese. But as a starting point, BMI helps.
None of this absolves patients or parents from stepping forward and bringing up weight on their own. But whoever raises the topic, it's important for patients and doctors alike to remember that modest amounts of weight loss can disproportionately benefit overall health, even if the loss doesn't feel or look like much. That fact may be the best reason for everyone to show a little courage and say what needs to be said----even if it hurts a bit.
With reporting by Shahreen A. Abedin
very nicely said!
quizzes tests for fun
you would want to know how to they actually make money by giving all these tests for you FREE? well its simple. when you complete the tests, advertisements will show on the website itself that is based on what you answered. This way, the chances of the advertisement getting noticed by you and attracts you is higher. That means if you answered a question such as WHO WOULD YOU WANT TO KISS THE MOST:
then you ticked paris hilton. then all the ads regarding paris hilton is displayed and lure you into checking it out and buying paris hilton products.
GOOD PLAN isnt it? well, its a smart way to make money. AND A FUN THING FOR USERS. since its free, why not help induldge ourselves with these quizzes. There are so many around!
for example, QUIZ ROCKET offers
Dating Personality Quiz, Religion Test, Intelligence Quiz, Office Character Quiz, Where Should I Live Quiz, Personal Fashion Style Quiz,Cooking Quiz, Reality TV Quizzes, Dumb Test, Pop Culture Quiz, One Hit Wonder Songs Quiz, Pop Music Quiz, Gay Guiz,Online Bible Quiz, Teen Personality Quiz, Lesbian quiz, and the "Impossible" Quiz
up to date
thats a LOT of fun! take the religion test and many other tests now
Friday, 24 August 2007
Attic Lifts= safe

So save the hassle and get an attic lift.
Makes life a lot easier, safer and somehow fun too :p
Now Santa can have a safe journey from the attic during Christmas for those who does not have a fireplace.
watch where you step...err i mean SMS!
think againnnn
Officials think that Zachariah Smith was so engrossed in sending a text message Monday that he didn't notice a train - until it hit him as he crossed tracks in Elmwood Place.
Smith, 18, was on Township Avenue about 10 a.m. Monday waiting to cross the tracks. The gates were down to allow a CSX train to continue its southbound route.
When that train passed, Smith, apparently too intent on texting, was hit by a northbound Norfolk Southern train that he didn't see coming from the other direction. He was thrown about 50 feet.
Smith was taken to University Hospital, where he was listed in serious condition.
"The horn was blowing like mad, and the kid was text-messaging," Ellison said.
"The kid apparently was just daydreaming."
Officials suspect that Smith confused the horn and noise made by the oncoming train with that of the train that had just passed him heading south.
Deer Park's Mike Billups saw the train hit Smith, knocking him through the air and, at least at first, knocking him out.
"Initially, I thought he had cleared the train until I saw (Smith) from underneath the train lying on the ground," Billups said.
full news
So the next time you sms, do it somewhere safe. even when i sms while walking around the campus i do bump into a lot of people. so never sms on the road. instead, the safest place to sms would be in
mint mint mint

Isnt the design sweet?
But thats not all the sweetness the mint card has. It has a breath-re freshening INTEREST FREE balance transfer for 13-months! thats hot in the mouth!
Look at all the Zeroes
- 0 %on balance transfers (2.5% fee) until
1 October 2008 - 0% on purchases until 1 March 2008
- 0% bonus offer until 1 June 2009 on balance transfers debited to your account during December 2008 (2.5% fee)
who says heroes are winners and zeroes are losers?
With a good credit card, you get good services and good discounts. especially with so many merchants around, its tough to just even look for a reliable one. And yet MINT offers a great introductory package so delicious. It also has 24 hours customer service, online banking and many other great benefits and services. Shop online now and have fun. Thats when you know you have got 56days interest free on purchases. now thats WOW. :)
MINT might be the one of your MIND.
Thursday, 23 August 2007
travelling + information =?
btw do check out for more fun stuffs :p
many of my friends are going to australia next year. what is there in australia. A LOT I TELL YOU. i wanna go as well. sob sob
so lets see whats hot in Australia. this is my first Virtual Travel to Aussie. okay virtual travel sounds funny. muahaha
wowow first must go dating. i heard Sydney is a good spot to date with people. it has a nice night view that both you and your girlfriend(s) would enjoy.
Also not to be missed is OPERA in Sydney. nice show showing now would be 'The Barber of Seville'

heres the summary:
Need a haircut? Call Figaro. Need a date? No problem. Broken heart? Figaro is your man. Watch out Sydney, because Seville’s Mr Fixit is coming to town from 26 June - 30 August 2007 with a stylish new production of Rossini’s much-loved romantic comedy, bubbling over with playful melodies and melting arias at the Sydney Opera House.
Interesting. how often do you see a barber play?
Melbourne has a lot of bars. and these great bars serve great drinks to warm yourself up during winter. but it doesn't snow though. still its a nice place to hangout after working. drench yourself in a cool drink and relax to the music. or socialize with people in the bar. :)
orh and shopping is a plus and must! lots of wonderful boutiques around.
time to get adventurous. EAT WHAT YOU SEE. but dont forget to SEE WHAT YOU EAT. they might serve you cow's testicles! muahahaha
after a tiring day, rest in a hotel. find Hotels in Melbourne. stay is cheap and of good quality.
time to go BRISBANE!
ooopsss overspent. not much money left. but if you do wanna enjoy Brisbane, head on without fear, tour around and look for cheaper Hotels In Brisbane.
hmnnn time to find a part time job and continue the Australia Tour!
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
If you have a blog that is qualified. please put this code into the sidebar of your blog.

Remember to copy and paste the codes directly or I will feel sad :( sob sob sob
This contest is organised by smashpop. Look at what is offered:

Thanks so much for helping out. If you are my friends my readers or anyone who helps me ill love you guys lots.
Plus you will need to leave a comment here or tell me that you have put it up on your blog so that i can tell smashpop to update the entries. So far i have 4 already :)
mailboxes mailboxes

These are not just ordinary mailboxes. they keep mails safe and secure. Im always pissed when my mail comes and its always drenched in the rain. So in the end i will be reading those wet mails instead. Sometimes its not even in the mailbox. I dont know maybe the postman has grudges against people who uses their mailbox over and over again. Mines a metal one, bought for many years already. Every year i just repaint it :) hahaha

If you are looking for commercial ones for big huge offices this one is rather tempting. modern looking mailbox with extra huge capacity. Plus the girl is cute too. i guess its not included?

HAHA! this one is even certified by USPS? mine will definitely be rejected by POS MALAYSIA. :)
They even offer $20.00 for everyone who refers their friends and family to them and buy mailboxes. So you can even earn money by selling mailboxes :) Having a good looking mailbox will make thepostman go vavvoom when they place their hands and our letters inside. A great decor for the house to make it look luxurious.
travelling and yet feel secure
for example
you find yourself lost
you met with an evil villain and spider man is not there for you
you don't feel well in the new country
and many more. people usually think that they wont be so unlucky to come into those when they go for vacation. But why keep yourself worrying about your health and medical expenses when you go travel abroad when you can actually get medical travel insurance that will keep you safe and worry over things for you?
They offer
• Up to 92 days cover on Annual Multi Trip policies
• Competitive level of cover - see schedule of benefits
• Low Excesses (with the excess waiver option)
• Many hazardous activities included at no extra cost
• Dedicated 24 hour medical emergency service
There are other insurance floating around. But most of them have hidden expanses and being a fussy when you want to make an international claim. This one is specially for you and your family who wants to travel around the world and yet feeling secure.
Theres always a day to prepare for the rainy tomorrow.
Sunday, 19 August 2007
Steven Lim vs Xia Xue
First Xia Xue labeled Steven Lim as one of the most disgusting blogger.
Next, Steven Lim retaliates. who is steven lim? Watch this:
Heres Steven Lim retaliation:
buahahahah so childish :)
anyway heres the definition of chicken pie. Translate chicken it becomes CHI in mandarin. so CHI PIE(CHI BAI) Blogger. :) *shakes head*
lose weight?
lap band is actually a way to defeat obesity, and all those health risks that comes with it. Basicly what they do is to is to reduce stomach capacity and the amount of food you can take in at a time.
During the procedure, only tiny incisions will be made. Then equipments are used through the tiny hole to wrap the inflatable silicon band around the upper part of the stomach. They can do this thorough the narrow camera inside one of the incision. LAP BAND will fasten your upper stomach,thus enabling you to eat but with limit.
You still eat the food you love but only a tiny amount will make you full.
A nice way to lose weight!
thieves that are not so thie-vy

make mum proud? Not in theses cases below

Thief caught trouser-less!
woman suspected of shoplifting who tried to evade security guards was eventually caught with her pants down.
The woman bizarrely dropped her trousers when staff caught up with her as she tried to scale a fence.
She had left the Somerfield store in Exeter with three legs of lamb.
She was arrested and later bailed by police.
the not so brave anymore?
A burglar was foiled by a homeowner who pointed a shotgun at him - and told him to take his trousers off.
The burglar broke into a house only to be confronted by the man who pulled out a shotgun and fired a warning shot.
The homeowner then demanded the raider remove his trousers and shoes, which he did.
A fight broke out between them and the burglar managed to flee - barefoot and trouserless.
How bout her trying to shake the police off? by going naked
A woman in America accused of shoplifting made a daring escape bid when apprehended by police – by wriggling out of her shirt and running topless down the street.
credit:, digg
Thursday, 16 August 2007
Angel Angels Angelss!
If you answer my call, you could be one! Car angel!
Car Angle is actually an non-profit organization that helps orphans. Not just orphans. Over 1500+ orphans worldwide now! Also sponsoring at-risk youth, the homeless, those who needs new directions and so on. They are actually an organization doing charity for people who needs them!
And if you are one of the car angel, happens to drop by and have an extra car that keeps dust in the garage, why not Donate Your Car In Los Angeles?
Not only that. apart from being able to contribute to the society, be a good Samaritan and help out with the Los Angeles Car Donations you can also donate boats, properties, and houses. There are also projects such as Free DVDs for Kids! If we have been living way too well, let others enjoy it. They may not for the rest of their lives, so its up for use who have all the happiness in this world to share it with them!
If i do have the money i would contribute. Too bad im just a student. However, if you are feeling real generous, hop on to their website and change a life today.
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
the smart way for teenage spending
There is one easy solution to this which is the prepaid debit card. by all means its not to control your children spending but actually to guide them on how to spend their money wisely. Use only when you really need it and not empty whats full.A prepaid teen card will definitely help those who have troubles keeping up with their excessive spending. Or are we not supposed to give them a card? but carrying a lot of cash to may worsen the situation. How are the teens coping up with their parents giving them a prepaid teen card?
The ultimate tool for diet-goers would be a calorie counter. There must be a balanced diet. No extreme starvation will work. Instead count those calories you input using a free calorie counter is fast and easy. Taking extra food which will turn into fat, the counter will calculate how much you need and how to do it. Its a wise thing to first fulfill your calorie requirements before working out to burn those fat. That way you can still eat healthily without worrying about any adverse effects your diet may do to your body!
Monday, 13 August 2007
travel+blog = fun

Traveling is always a fun thing to do. Besides being able to understand the culture of the country you visit, you get to enjoy the spectacular views which are always unique in every country. Of course, unless you are a multi-billionaire, the once-a-year-trip must be planned nicely. You wouldn't want to end up cursing all the way there and all the way home because your little trip is spoiled.
If you are eye-ing and planning to travel around Asia, you made a great choice. Again, it is not a small contingent that you can travel around overnight. There is plenty of places to check out. Choosing a good spot to land in would be a really tough decision. But first check out Asia travel blog. They blog about traveling around Asia and how much fun you would have missed if you did not read beforehand. Its also better to have a plan in mind. If you plan to get around a shopping heaven, you might want to first have a look at what they have to say about the prices in "Three Cheapest Cites for Shopaholics" featured on their blog. Or maybe you prefer to know more about authentic food that might interest your stomach. Then "5 Weirdest Thing Chinese People Eat in Guangzhou" will be your interesting read.
As usual, before packing up to your favorite destination such as the magnificent Taj Mahal, always do some research and check out the guide to Taj Mahal.
Not to forget, take a lot of photos, travel and spread the love. :)
Sunday, 12 August 2007
iclone anyone?
Your guide to travel
One important aspect while traveling is to get around quickly, save time and money at the same time. Being in an all new place will probably make things go nasty. It is always important to have a friend or being prepared beforehand. Or plan the trip so that you enjoy the trip, not end up getting frustrated just like any other working days there when you are supposed to have fun!
Personally, when i travel i would go with Hotel Reservations if i ever want to go travel. This is because they make Hotel Reservations so easy! They are the perfect companion for any travel around the world. They provide convenience because not only you can choose to make business (with lots of love) with them but also through the very-user-friendly website. The website offers other country currency and language too. This too is absolutely important as you dont have to worry bout converting the digits and you get it in your favorite language!
Besides that, make them your buddy if you travel very often. This is because they give you more discounts. Imagine how much you could save. They allow super saving plans for hotel rooms, rentals for cars, and even plane tickets. The 'save up to 70%' is no joke to them. And are you traveling to a place you think there probably wont even have hotel? Not to worry because Hotel Reservations have a wide extended network of hotels. Being in Kuala Lumpur, there are even hotels which provide cheaper rates and rooms just as beautiful that I do not know about. Therefore if you are looking for a budget stay, don’t just target 5 stars hotel that are available anywhere you go. Try to look up the guide in Hotel Reservations on travel tips and also search for a hotel that suits you, its not ourselves that need to suit the hotel. After all we are paying for it, don’t we have the right to choose? And choosing Hotel Reservations is the right choice for every little traveler!
Thursday, 9 August 2007
i wouldn't say im not jealous but how confident are you with dell computer? ive used a Dell 10 years ago where computers are highly priced. The first laptop was Dell and its worth RM8,000. which is like junk right now.
well, im not too sure if Dell is really reliable. Another Dell bites the Dust?
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
thoof me thoof me!
Installing the thoof badge is a breeze. all you have to do after posting your personalized news for viewing is by submitting it to thoof and thoof gives you a code to paste at the bottom for publishing. its so easy to track your posts.
when you publish, why not give thoof a try. im sure if you love personalized news, your readers would love them too. :)
Top 10 girl Pickup Lines in Library
Instead of starting it by by boring conversations and leave each other with nothing much to do, how bout looking through these.
Top 10 Girl Pickup Lines In Library10.The librarian wants to know your hp number, your name and your friendster addy. *points myself*
9. I cant seem to find this book: “DUMMIES GUIDE FOR SPEED DATING“. can you help me?
8. My house is as comfortable as this library. how bout a visit?
7. hey ill pay you 100 bucks for me to tutor you.
6. Id rather read you than all reading all the books in this world.
For a complete list, hop on to
and catch the dramatic AdrianC in action.
Monday, 6 August 2007
laptops? computers? and brand wars.
Lenovo Group, the world's third-largest personal computer maker, recorded a near 13-fold increase in net profit for the first quarter as it reported strong growth in PC shipments.
It hasnt been long since we first heard about lenovo IBM. being one of the leading brand in China proves that they can own the world.
The company saw robust growth in PC shipments in all of its markets with a 30 percent increase in China, accounting for more than a third of the overall PC market in the country.
In the Americas, the computer maker saw a growth of 15 percent in unit shipments and an increase of 22 percent in Europe, Middle East and Africa. In Asia, it recorded year-on-year rise of 12 percent.
Lenovo's notebook computers remain the largest contributor to total revenue, driven by sales in China and the launch of consumer products in Asia, with shipments in notebooks up 26 percent, while desktop shipments grew 20 percent.
Looking ahead, the company said it will further enhance its global supply chain, improve the competitiveness of its desktop business and build on its brand overseas.
"Lenovo was unknown outside China before, but it was known by more and more people outside China now," Yang told reporters.
The results show for themselves. Lenovo is in fact making a lot of progress. Even the coverage of Lenovo brand in Malaysia is increasing. Friends are buying Lenovo instead of the normal Dell, HP COmpaq and the rest. Any happy users of lenovo? When compared to the rest of the brands, are they really up to par? Or better?
Saturday, 4 August 2007
going on a missionary travel?
they provide reliable services. People who traveled provided positive feedbacks about them. Their testimonials are published to the world on their Missionary and Testimonials page. They also provide 24 hour cell phone service which is pretty useful when things dont go so well. They are also able to provide budget travel for missionaries because they have special contracts with airlines to cater for missionaries. And they are very experienced people working there, mostly missionary staffs. Besides that, they have honest Christian staffs which provides customer with sense of security.
For those who are going on missionary, you may be able to save alot.
Sign for peace
Looking for world peace? Of course you may think that IM JUST A STUDENT. how am i supposed to do it?
There is a way. All you have to do is sign the petition for peace.
AFS Intercultural Programs pioneered exchanges for young people 60 years ago when 52 young people from 10 different countries came to the United States for a year-long exchange experience. The hope for the AFS founders was that by having many young people walking and talking together they would create the basis for a more just and peaceful world. The need for intercultural exchanges today is a great as it ever was.
AFS is sponsoring a major, high profile undertaking for its 60th anniversary year that will be a Petition Drive to gather signatures in support of a global expansion of youth exchange programs.
All you need to do is to give your email add and your name. Its simple. Help voice out and spread the love.
Read more about it here:
Petition For Peace[]
Sign the petition at
the furnitures you can resist
looking for home furniture is a tough challenge. There are always many things to look about when buying furniture. while budget is a thing to worry(since the price is always a big problem) there are also many things to consider while buying furniture. An ugly piece in the living room will spoil the whole scene or furnitures that wont last long when exposed to wear and tear.
The solution for worried housewives, families or daddy's when facing this challenge will be the best online furniture store.
While the first impression to the site is the soothing wood color theme, navigations throughout the site is made easy and user friendly. Everyone who are able to use the WWW would be able to browse through the website easily without being worried of complicated website that sometimes tire the customers out.
Of course one of the quality products they are now offering is the Espresso Storage Bed. This bed alone has a funky name but the tempting factor of this storage bed would be the amount of space you can save. Keep books, clothes, dress, important documents, cosmetics, everything you want in an organized way. Leave more room for you to walk around instead of having book racks and shelves in your room. A really expresso way to pimp your room and yet stay organized.
The focus of a home is not only the bedroom tho. in fact, it would be the living room. living room furniture should be of high quality because its style will affect the overall environment whether its classic or modern. Also they offer high quality that is built tough against wear and tear since we know how often guests are naughty(especially little ones who love jumping on sofas)
Browsing though the categories gives you detailed information of the furnitures you want. Whether its just Home Office Furniturefor the comfort of working at home or just beds or sofas, they offer what you want. With detailed information, price, pictures of the furniture and even a summary of how it feels using them.
their toll free number offers convenience to the users when they have any difficulties(which i doubt so). With the free nationwide delivery and essential furniture tips that may make your furniture last a few years longer, this site remains an attractive domain for online-shopping-goers.
whether you are a first timer or an experienced buyer,you would be able to experience first class furniture sales from furniturefromhome, directly from your very own couch.
-review sponsored by furniturefromhome-
LEGO desk

Nat sent in this 120 pound desk, completely made from LEGOs...
- Approximately 35,000 LEGO bricks were used. This includes almost all the pieces from 32 Blue Tubs (#3033), almost 300 (!) small baseplates (8x16 studs), and 63 blue plate packs from LEGO Shop-at-Home. A few other pieces were also bought from private collectors (226 tiles so the drawers could slide, et cetera).
- The desk weighs about 120 pounds, I think. I have not actually weighed it... but I think that is close.
- About 7 pounds of glue were used. Brand: Oatey, All-Purpose (PVC, CPVC, ABS) Glue.
- The desk has the following dimensions (inches, WxHxD): 60" x 29.5" x 30".
- It has 7 working drawers (six small, one large).
- It has a folding lid in the top that conceals a hole for computer cables to drop through.
- Yes, the top is bumpy -- studs up. I offered to make the top smooth, but the client specifically requested otherwise. Whatever. I also offered to build a retractable keyboard tray in the front, but that was not wanted. Nor a mosaic of the company logo on the top or sides.
- Yes, I was paid to build the desk. Don't ask how much. It was worth my time
Incredible. Something you dont find everyday- a LEGO desk! its not freaking easy to do. the whole thing needs a lot of concentration and time, at the same time a lot of LEGO blocks of course. when i was young i cant even fix a mini car with my lego. imagine this desk. maybe in the near future we get to see a life structure of paris hilton built from LEGO blocks. safe for kids of course :)
looking for a trip of San Francisco Sightseeing?
a nice song for vacation perhaps?
of course you would need San Francisco Sightseeing for your dosage of pure excitement and a reliable tour around that place. It hurts not to enjoy the city to its max just because there no one to guide you! and fear not of getting lost and lose precious times finding your way around that nice city.
of course, you will not get into making decisions so quickly after all, its a must to plan the vacation days carefully.San Francisco Sightseeing offers more than just your city guide. We are talking about Trusted tours around cool places to visit such as Deluxe City Cruise, Bay Cruise or Cable Car Tour. Those tours are amazing and is really attractive. Its not just the walk-around tour where you just enjoy the breeze and scenery, you get to see the culture, the things to do, places and museums to visit. Those places are unique and not your any-where-its-available tourist attractions spots. How bout touring on cable cars? it takes you around and you get to relax all the way.
Of course, what they offer is more than just tour. they offer incredible services that will aid you in your trip. There are complete maps, photos, and much information about the city of the bay that will make you drool before you even star your journey.
Fear not if you dont speak English fluently. They have tours that will suite you whether Chinese, Korean, Japanes or any language that you are comfortable with.
When planning a trip, another thing to keep in mind is the budget. and the WOW factor are the special prices they offer for all the trips. No time? Its okay. Get to them next time with
Trusted Tours eNewsletter that will keep you updated with the tours available and makes bookings breeze.
Its the tour we all need especially during our stressful times. chill out at san francisco. it will make our days happier.
-post brought to you by Tt-
Friday, 3 August 2007
TRUE STORY: how far would you go for an iphone?

How much are you willing to sacrifice for an iphone? Looks like this guy has nothing else in this world he ever wanted than the gadget itself. He wants the iphone, and underwent a vasectomy surgery to get an iphone! Read about how he did it here.
Man Goes Through Vasectomy to Get iPhone
He got what he wanted and lose what many men wants. Deal or no deal? grins :psummer love
relationship problems?
a child growing up in a broken family can cause trouble because it is not a good environment to bring up the kids that way. the kid will probably be a bad egg. even without children, would you give up hope on the family that used to give you happiness when you can actually change them?
seeking for a good,reliable and cheap Telephone Counselingis not easy. however they do provide excellent services that may just save your marriage(if its ever broken). speak to counselors.know the reason. tackle. if you cant change yourself, dun expect your partner to change for you. and a simple change shines a bright light to your future and the happiness of your marriage.
advertisers reaches audience through bloggers
pay per post blog announced to the world that they, based on their study has concluded that
10.545% Average CTR on PPP Sponsored Posts
CTR means click through rate. Of course when 10.545% may look like small digits to some but when compared to google Adwords, keywords campaign, and even campaigns on popular sites such as myspace have significantly lower CTR rates (below 5%).
it seems like the results are a good representative of payperpost. their study consists of 40k bloggers and 8k advertisers together on payperpost. this in fact shows amazing results on the CTR rate, which means positive future for payperpost to expand.
Of course, not only advertisers are happy that their investment does not turn into words-in-just-another-blog. in fact, the concept of sponsored post is so effective that the results prove by itself. If you have a good business, bloggers try it out, readers are more influenced to show the similar thoughts. gaining the trust of fellow bloggers will improve advertisers business significantly and those CTR is just another strong evidence to support it. :)
streamyx is going great again
Adrian: hey sorry i dced
Joe: me2
i am pretty confident it wasnt msn toying with us again. but it seems that many of my friends are not able to do anything(even web surfing seems to be web crawling like turtles)
however i cant seem to find any explanations of the recent downtime. is it tmnet playing with us again or another cable break? (yes nowadays it seems like a popular excuse)
anyone has ideas?
p.s my speed reaches 110kB/s again and adrianC is very very happy!
Thursday, 2 August 2007
ceiling fan?
how bout casablanca fans? no its not a movie! its a ceiling fan! of course they added the unique twist and design that will make your house so modern. oh of course thats not all, the fan is coated with titanium! not only does it sounds flashy, it is built flashy.
hmnn theres also fanimation ceiling fans that features nature as theme. definitely a must for nature lovers who wants their room to be exactly nature-like. the colour gives you a soothing view and the breeze from it-so nature like.
of course if there anyone who are looking for classic fans instead theres minka aire fans which features designs that will take you back to the old traditional ways. this is a must for those who wants to preserve their traditional look-like house. of course we do not want a traditional themed room or restaurant to be spoilt by modern looking fans. :p
if theres any type of ceiling fans you are looking for, you will get them at farreys
its no longer a lonely world out there
dun grumble if you dont have a life partner. haha i mean yes we all do sometimes rant bout us being single. well you gotta do something about it then. of course, we are all just so jealous with lovely dovey couples around us.
of course you dont have to be a superstar to get a partner dont we? theres tonnes of features, all packed in a clean and easy to use site. of course, its free. why pay to look for a partner through dating agency when you can find it online with the comprehensive and detailed search button on that site?
apart from posting videos and pictures, you get to restrict your profile so that only certain people sees you. of course we all dont want stalkers :p
besides all those, you get a fully customizable profile page, add in your pictures, interests and hobby. the best thing is that we dont have to actually browse through everyone like a catalogue. that will talke lots of time. instead they will ideally match your personality with someone else. that way, you will share the same interest and not get bored at each other.
of course if thats not enough, how bout some dating advices for a change. a simple change can make your life from miserable anti-social to lots and lots of friends, plus life partner :)
so go ahead and spread the love. he/she may be just right there waiting for you. personally i think this site will help alot. in case you dont know, a lot of people is still single because they are shy and they never dared to speak out. and some because of tiny misunderstandings. but everyone knows the internet. kisscafe connects everyone through the internet. and voila, you even get to reach out for each other through kisscafe blogs.
plus some thing super nice is that you get to use their feature Video Instant Messenger. who says that you need to meet up to be dating? its safe and convenient! you cant find any other Free Online Dating that provides you with great services like this all at no cost.
-proudly sponsored by kisscafe-
its on!
quick. go update your links. :)
FAQ without the questions. see i made things easy for you guys :0
1. go
2. read posts
3. add comments
4. read 'About'
5. adrianchoychoy will still be online but it will be a super super big black hole. yes it sucks everything including you! it will be filled with random news that may interest you. :)
until then, rock on guys.
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Why should you throw away your handphone?
Rob Beschizza gets in depth with top ten reasons why we should throw our handphones away.
its a good read!
Among the reasons are:
It makes your life more complicated
It's horribly expensive
Total Cost of Ownership. Apply that idea to everything, not just cars and mortgages. The fact is that most cellphones will cost you thousands over the life of the contract. Short of paying-as-you-go with a Wal-Mart crapdybar, you're in it for a good $1,000, and about $2,000 or so with a smartphone.
It enslaves you to a one-sided contract
It makes you perpetually available
Unless you want to hoik around a brick, the chances are you're recharging it daily. Screw fuel-cells: with WiFi, BlueTooth, WWAN and whatever else, we need AAA-size disposable fission reactors to keep these buggers awake
It knows where you are
GPS is in every box, but you can't use it for much. The government loves to watch them without warrants or probable cause: if it's in your pocket, you are Robocop and The Man is Dick Jones.
It encourages stupid people to become a public menace
Forget about whether talking on cellphones while driving should be illegal: the fact remains that it is stupid. I know that you are perfectly capable of the mental gymnastics required for all this — you are a hypercephalic Gadget Lab reader — but it's best that you stop now, so as not to encourage lesser minds to attempt similar feats. Some are now being caught texting while driving. Just pull the car over, for heaven's sake!
and many more here . its a really good read and i had a good LOL over it. think about it. it does makes sense!
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