Ohh you most probably have heard bout
attic lift. Yup that’s right. Lift that ‘lifts’ you up to the attic. Of course they are safe for Human as well as for bringing up anything you want to store in the attic. Well I do have an attic in the bungalow but it’s just a small place. However if you do have attic, you would know how dangerous it is for carrying heavy boxes and climbing the ladder at the same time.

So save the hassle and get an attic lift.
Makes life a lot easier, safer and somehow fun too :p
Now Santa can have a safe journey from the attic during Christmas for those who does not have a fireplace.
This lift is NOT intended for people! It is a STORAGE lift and is only intended for lifting inanimate objects. Not anything living.
Signed, The Manufacturer!
**** WARNING ! ***** This is a not true!
attic Lifts, like our Versa Lift are not rated to carry people. They are only intended to move storage items and boxes. NO PEOPLE!!
Who ever posted this is not telling the truth! I am asking you nicely to take it down and retract this unauthorized misrepresentation immediately!
The management of BPG, inventors and developers of the Versa Lift attic storage lift.
Cease and desist!
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