Wednesday 1 August 2007

Why should you throw away your handphone?

almost everyone in this whole wide world is uing a phone. my sister who is just 13 already have a handphonew of her own. so what is the whole idea of this handphone thing?
Rob Beschizza gets in depth with top ten reasons why we should throw our handphones away.

its a good read!
Among the reasons are:

It makes your life more complicated
It's horribly expensive
Total Cost of Ownership. Apply that idea to everything, not just cars and mortgages. The fact is that most cellphones will cost you thousands over the life of the contract. Short of paying-as-you-go with a Wal-Mart crapdybar, you're in it for a good $1,000, and about $2,000 or so with a smartphone.
It enslaves you to a one-sided contract

It makes you perpetually available

It must constantly be recharged
Unless you want to hoik around a brick, the chances are you're recharging it daily. Screw fuel-cells: with WiFi, BlueTooth, WWAN and whatever else, we need AAA-size disposable fission reactors to keep these buggers awake

It knows where you are
GPS is in every box, but you can't use it for much. The government loves to watch them without warrants or probable cause: if it's in your pocket, you are Robocop and The Man is Dick Jones.

It encourages stupid people to become a public menace
Forget about whether talking on cellphones while driving should be illegal: the fact remains that it is stupid. I know that you are perfectly capable of the mental gymnastics required for all this — you are a hypercephalic Gadget Lab reader — but it's best that you stop now, so as not to encourage lesser minds to attempt similar feats. Some are now being caught texting while driving. Just pull the car over, for heaven's sake!

and many more here . its a really good read and i had a good LOL over it. think about it. it does makes sense!

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