Thursday, 6 December 2007
they cared for us once, who really cares for them?
Yes, everyone is now busy with their own lives. Busy with their work, busy with their own family building, a beautiful wife, making money and being famous. But there is this one advertisement I watched, or rather heard from the original story. The story about these parents who feels disgusted about their own parents in front of their kid. When their parents who are old often break porcelain bowls, they would just ask them to use a plastic one instead and not sit on a table with them. Then the next day, the child would make bowls out of coconut shells. When asked by their parents, the child said that "when papa and mama grow old in the future, this is the bowl you all will be using"
It is a touching story, because one day, no matter how much we love our parents, there are many things that would make us neglect our parents.
It is not wrong with spending money for nursing home for them? Yeah we can busy all we want but try spending time with them, perhaps even join in the fun at those homes. They enjoy the company of others and they can even relate their experiences with each other. At the very least, they can have experts caring for them.
Think of parents just like how you would want your children to think of you.
another reason to get married with the one you love
yes, for this one lucky man who got saved by no other, then his own wedding ring!
He got robbed and using his hand to block the bullet,(maybe he thinks he is Hiro Nakamura from HEROES) to stop the bullet. However the bullet got hit and deflated buy the ring, saving him his own life!
Ring saves life of man whose shop was being robbed
JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Donnie Register has a new reason to be thankful he's married — police say his wedding band deflected a bullet and probably saved his life.
Two men walked into Register's shop at The Antique Market on Saturday and asked to see a coin collection, police Sgt. Jeffery Scott said.
When Register retrieved the collection, one of the men pulled a gun and demanded money. A shot was fired as Register threw up his left hand, and his wedding ring deflected the bullet, police said.
"The bullet managed to go through two of his fingers without severing the bone," said his wife, Darlene Register. "A part of the bullet broke off and is in his middle finger. The other part is in his neck, lodged in the muscle tissue. But it's not life-threatening."
She said she gives God all the credit.
so, anyone wants to marry me? I will give my honey a huge diamond ring!
Wednesday, 5 December 2007
lapband new weight loss technique
Well, it seems that Lapband technology is an improved or rather, a better technique altogether.
What it does, is not not damaging your inner organs, but rather reducing the stomach capacity so eating little, makes you full.
You may have thought, isnt that the same as conventional methods? Well,
First, they(surgeons) only make tiny incisions instead of huge ones (major surgery)
Nex, using special equipments, they insert them ito your body using the tiny incision. What they insert is a inflatable silicone band to your upper stomach.
Not only do they make ur stomach smaller, they make the food go slower so they are better digested. This makes the user of Lapband technology eat less, full and satisfied without worrying about gaining weight. In fact with Lapband, losing weight is an easy task. It is the tampa weight loss that will help everyone who is obese.
Saturday, 1 December 2007
water effects in computer games

this is classic man!
more images of water effects here
hmnn guess we are living in an era full of technology now :)
well, those pics are worth clicking and seeing. i mean look at how beautiful they are, even if you are not a fan of gaming.
Wednesday, 28 November 2007
business cards to fame
Well, if you are a–not-so famous blogger trying hard to make it to the hall of fame, the business card is a must. I mean how often do you get to exchange your business card and get traffic? Blogging is like a business nowadays! Promote them to get readership and viewership. And if that means getting down and dirty with all methods available, including mass spamming your friends mobile to get him to visit your blog, be a pest and bother people on msn to get them to your blog, or simply show that elegant business card for your blog?
If you blog well, who knows, they will let you publish your own book? Hehe we never know!
Oh, btw if we act quick enough,theres 100 FREE business cards available! Let them print those cards and be the envy among your friends!
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
girls planning to marry rich guys?
Title: Young andpretty lady wishes to marry a rich guy. Fantastic reply from a financial person.
A young and pretty lady posted this on a popular forum:
Title: What should Ido to marry a rich guy?
I'm going to be honest of what I'm going to say here. I'm 25 this year.I'm very pretty, have style and good taste. I wish to marry a guy with $500kannual salary or above. You might say that I'm greedy, but an annual salary of $1M is considered only as middle class in New York. My requirement is not high. Is there anyone inthis forum who has an income of $500k annual
salary? Are you all married? I wanted to ask: what should I do to marry rich persons like you? Among those I've dated, the richest is $250k annualincome, and it seems that this is my upper limit. If someone is going to moveinto high cost residential area on the west of New York City Garden, $250k annualincome is not enough.
I'm here humbly to ask a few questions:
1) Where do most rich bachelors hang out? (Please list down the
names and addresses of bars, restaurant,gym)
2) Which age group should I target?
3) Whymost wives of the riches is only average-looking? I've
met a few girls who doesn't have looks andare not interesting, but
they are able to marry rich guys
4) Howdo you decide who can be your wife, and who can only be
your girlfriend? (my target now is to getmarried)
Ms. Pretty
Here's a reply from a Wall Street Financial guy:
Dear Ms. Pretty,
I have read your post with great interest. Guess there are lots of girlsout there who have similar questions like yours. Please allow me to analyzeyour situation as a professional investor. My annual income is more than $500k, which meets your requirement, so I hope everyone believes that I'mnot wasting time here.
From the standpoint of a business person, it is a bad decision to marryyou. The answer is very simple, so let me explain. Put the details aside, whatyou're trying to do is an exchange of "beauty" and "money":Person A provides beauty, and Person B pays for it, fair and square.However, there's a deadly problem here, your beauty will fade, but my moneywill not be gone without any good reason. The fact is, my income might increasefrom year to year, but you can't be prettier year after year. Hence from theviewpoint of economics, I am an appreciation asset, and you are a depreciationasset. It's not just normal depreciation, but exponential depreciation. If thatis your only asset, your value will be much worried 10 years later.
By the terms we use in Wall Street, every trading has a position, datingwith you is also a "trading position". If the trade value dropped wewill sell it and it is not a good idea to keep it for long term – same goeswith the marriage that you wanted. It might be cruel to say this, but in order
to make a wiser decision any assets with great depreciation value will besold or "leased". Anyone with over $500k annual income is not a fool;we would only date you, but will not marry you. I would advice that you forgetlooking for any clues to marry a rich guy. And by the way, you could makeyourself to become a rich person with $500k annual income. This has better
chance than finding a rich fool.
Hope this reply helps. If you are interested in "leasing"services, do contact me.
signed, J.P. Morgan Morgan
very well said!
holiday 3 months
the furthest i ever went? Singapore. maybe i should fly myself to somewhere further.
anyway was browsing tourists attraction site until i saw a cool place call Spain. Well i was amazed with the attractions there. BULLFIGHTING! woohoo amazing. seeing them in videos are cool but they actually get to see those guys with red clothes getting pwn-ed hard.
of course get some rest and go get sleep in spain hotels. Don't tell me you are planning to sleep with the bulls? haha There are plenty of spain hotels around. So getting a cheap and budget one would be easy. Of course, if you area demanding person get the suite. Excellent stay from world class spain hotels.
there's Barcelona, a nice popular place. The structures are just super pretty. Amazingly engineered. When you get to visit these places, its all about the cultural values!
getting around the net and read about amazing tourists attraction is like getting there virtually. It will not be as good as going there but with limited budget, there's nothing I can do ;) looking at the beautiful night view pictures alone makes me melt. Well, even guys have desires to travel too!
Researching in the internet is good. You get to plan where to Spain sleepover and even budget hotels. amazing ;)
until i get enough money. till then.
Monday, 12 November 2007
insurance anyone?
Its the topic we would avoid at all cost. When debated, theres even a whole list of Insurance Plans Pros and Cons. Especially when we are all healthy, getting insurance is like cursing oneself as if something bad would happen. Well, nothing is expected in this world and its best to prepare for it beforehand!
Getting a life Family Insurance is an easy and affordable way to insure the whole family. The quote protect now or regret later is well said. Of course, its about time we prepare to face the dangerous world out there.
World peace not?
Whats wrong with the world?
Saturday’s street protest in Kuala Lumpur was an attempt to drag the royalty into opposition politics, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said.
The Prime Minister said the illegal gathering of thousands of people that ended with a memorandum being handed over to an Istana Negara official was an attempt by the opposition to “trap” the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
“I believe the King is more mature. The royalty understands and will not be trapped by their (the opposition’s) politics,” he said after opening the Parti Bersatu Sabah 22nd congress yesterday.
Abdullah described the illegal gathering that also saw the involvement of five opposition parties as a political gimmick.
“When the opposition thinks the elections will be called soon they do all sorts of activities to win support; that’s normal,” he added. *
Im on no one's side.
There are also lawyers protesting in Pakistan for election and the state of emergency to be withdrawn.
hmnnn so i guess, world peace not?
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Its festival of coupons again
Here comes the wish-list. Every year we hope to get them by hook or by crook. This year my wish-list is rather simple,
A nintendo DS-lite for the young me again!
and also toys and more toys.
that's when we want to save more using online coupons to grab these fantastic opportunity of further discounts. With all those cut-down prices, theres plenty of budget for more presents such as toys and electronics available at deals.
there's also more at Adidas coupons for sporting apparels and goods. Its end of the year and yes, the new year resolution to shred those pounds and fats from last year is not done yet. Its time to go for it since theres no more excuses not to exercise in these sporty and comfortable equipments from Adidas. Its time to bring those smiles again during this festive season. :)
We are getting stricter?
11 sites shut down by MCMC
KUALA LUMPUR: A total of 11 websites, including those created by bloggers, have been shut down by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) this year for contravening rules and regulations concerning the publication of information on the Internet.
Energy, Water and Communications Deputy Minister Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor said two cases have also been brought to the Attorney-General's Chambers for action.
He added the Government could take action under Section 211 and 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 against owners, operators or writers of websites who misused the Internet to spread slanderous comments, insulting the country's leaders, religious sensitivities and race.
Those who broke the law could be slapped with a RM50,000 fine, one year's jail or both, he said.
Not the latest but merely a warning for those who practice excessive freedom of speech. For our rights and human rights, freedom of speech is actually a noble thing but when abused and gone against the law, it would have devastating powers. There should be limit to everything isnt it? Would you go all-out on your opinion or would you rather just believe it yourself and not go around causing so much harm?
easy way to find replacement cartridge
This is where Cartridge Finder comes in. Arranged and sorted systematically according to brand and model type, finding the replacement ink for that dusty printer is merely few clicks away. Its unique simple interface makes it easy to find your, with more than 10,000 different models of printer, copier, and fax machines in their database.
Theres also collaboration with, where their merchant listings are updated and checked to obtain the best price available.
Interesting how the internet can help us do thing more efficiently.
Why you should never be the third person
WASHINGTON (AP) — A plumber and a millionaire squared off in Mississippi over a woman. The woman chose the rich guy. The plumber sued the millionaire and won more than $750,000.
Now Jerry Fitch Sr., a businessman from Holly Springs, Miss., wants the Supreme Court to step in and limit what a spurned spouse can collect through a lawsuit that claims "alienation of affection."
Fitch said he shouldn't have to pay $112,000 in punitive damages, citing an earlier high court decision overturning state criminal laws against gay sex to bolster his case. He is not contesting the rest of the judgment.
The Mississippi Supreme Court called the matter a classic case of "he said/she said/the paramour said."
Mississippi is one of only seven states that still allows lawsuits by people who claim someone stole their wife or husband. The others are Hawaii, Illinois, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Dakota and Utah.
The claim is rooted in the antiquated notion of a woman as her husband's property. Most states have abolished alienation of affection as a basis for lawsuits.
Sandra Fitch, the woman in this case, was married to the plumber, Johnny Valentine, when she was hired by Fitch's real estate company.
Within a year, she and Fitch began an affair. She became pregnant by Fitch, but she told Valentine his suspicions about adultery were unfounded.
Soon, though, Valentine had genetic tests done showing he was not the baby's father. He sued for divorce and then he sued Fitch, who is worth $22 million, according to the Mississippi Supreme Court.
The purpose of such a suit, the Mississippi high court said, is "the protection of the love, society, companionship, and comfort that form the foundation of a marriage."
Their marriage was happy until the third guy came in and 'stole' his wife.
We do have laws that protect the power of love =)
Well, you can actually, unless you are a millionaire. However love is always unforeseen isnt it? This and that happens. Sometimes people dont want to be third party (yes who would ever want to be in this complicated three person triangle relationship?) however there are lots of women and men out there so cheer up. Get out of the triangle and go for round instead. He/She may still be waiting for you, somewhere on this very planet!
Sales training for everyone
Being in the industry for already 3 years, they expand their business since sales training extremely popular. Many people ask how they could expand their business and how they could succeed. Well, its time to learn from those who already succeed isn't it? Their Sales Courses UK is developed specially for learning the extremely useful sales skill to turn that business into more than just business, but a rather huge one.
this if funny!
This video make my day!
Friday, 26 October 2007
Whats hot in Auckland?
For the badminton lovers, Waitakere World Junior Badminton Championships 2007 is here to give you a blast. cheer for these young champions with your badminton spirit!
Alternatively go sailing or if you really feel like dancing head on to the Tempo Nz' Festival of Dance. New Zealand’s biggest dance festival is proudly returning to Auckland with an impressive programme of 913 performers dancing up a storm in over 93 performances. Impressive! Thats mass group dancing with lots of fun!
Theres always a place for you in Auckland, but the Auckland Accommodation are selling out like hot buns. Especially at this time of the year with lots of tourists booking their place at Auckland Hotels, its best to book yours too. There are plenty of Hotels in Auckland but dont wait till the last minute to have all the best places you want to stay.
Thursday, 18 October 2007
worry free driving
Im pretty sure there are lots of cheap Auto Insurance Plans, which will suit you.
Also get Better Car Insurance Rates so that you still have money to pay your car installment. Some car insureance is just too expensive, making it unpopular.
As people always say, better be save than sorry.
Sunday, 14 October 2007
cash advance and payday loans
This is a good and another way for fun sourcing. A great alternative to borrowing for illegal moneylenders, bouncing checks getting in the way, forced to sell property or assets or getting ridiculously uncomfortable borrowing from friends and family.
In certain financial crisis, sometimes it doesn’t take you much to get you back on track , to return to the normal financial times or even better. Looking for a potential business prospect is a problem, looking for funds is a huge problem.
The advantage is that this loan does not need credit check. They just need to review you based on employment status, minimum income and an active checking or savings account. This provides less hassle compared to banks who probably wouldn’t loan any money at all.
This loan is an instant atm loan machine on the net. In desperate situations, there is still a way out. Just don’t give up hope.
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
hooray for toys and costumes parties
yes, its exactly the time of the year again. where monsters and fairy tales come to life. wait aren't these familiar sentences, probably as tag lines for fiction films? Wait no, its Halloween. and yes, its the time for the kids to have fun and the daddy and mummy to be creative in their kids fashion designs of the treat-or treating costumes.
But, with a busy schedule and you know you would spoil Halloween with your ugly looking home-made costumes, there's always the one on-line store that have them ready and delivered to you. More over, those aren't costumes. Those are spells that make your children look so real and as pretty as in fairytale when they wear them. Hold on, there is also for adults too! no more 'they cant fit anymore' problems.
cute costumes for girls.
children look deliciously good in this toy costume
Of course, if costumes was never the thing to do, find a present for them. A toy present a day keeps the doctor away =) I'm 19 this year but yet, I would love it if my parents or anyone buy this Elmo soft toy for me to cuddle up during the night. After all, there is always the young soul in us..
cutest isnt it?
Beautiful Venice with apartments nightout

Well, its time to make that dreams come true, not just float on Venice waters. There be that end of the year vacation you have always wanted, just in time with to celebrate the coming new year of 2008! Besides, the carnival is on in January 2008, you probably wouldn't want to miss that one!
But worrying about places to stay during vacation is always a problem. Some people just do not want to leave the comfort of their own homes but fear not as there will be Venice apartment rentals readily available. Hey, those are not just any hotels with normal rooms but apartments! These apartments with excellent out-of-the-window view that will sweep your mind away into the Italian dreams of Venice. The nights you are going to spend there resting your mind would be unforgettable.
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
fun in sydney
How true is that. whether you are there for sightseeing or for business, everywhere you hear about people going to Sydney because its a beautiful city. There is always something for everyone.
Getting around in Sydney may be complicated but if you are the adventurous kind, just head on with your backpack as there will always be Sydney Hotels around.
As a matter of fact, choose Sydney Accommodation that will suit your taste well.
Dont forget to visit the opera house for an excellent view and breeze of Sydney waters at Sydney Harbour.
Accommodation in Sydney would not be expensive. there are always Cheap Sydney Hotels offers going on from time to time. Even with the moderate temperature, warm winters and summers, with no hurricane or whatsoever, perhaps its not a good idea to start a camp or build fire when you are there to experience the great culture.
If you need places to stay in Sydney, there's Cheap Hotels in Sydney that suits your budget.With all those discounts, I cant really see a reason not to go enjoy our vacation longer in Sydney.
shopping cart of convenience

When compared with shopping online, a reliable shopping cart is needed. Virtual cart that functions similar to real cart where users get to see the prices of the items added and ‘throwing’ items in as easy as the real ones. Of course, people who shop online shop at their own convenience at their home sweet home. Why must you drive all the way to the mall, get stuck in the traffic jam when you can order it online and just wait for it to be delivered right at your doorstep? Besides, shopping online gives you the convenience of a shopping calculator, shopping list and many other added value services. Much to the relief of online shoppers, internet security is getting much more secure with the hacker-safe sites and 24-hours online customer service.
Sunday, 7 October 2007
London Pass for convenience in a card
for those who do not have unlimited time and unlimited money, then the London Pass is an excellent companion to travel with. It is actually a card offering free entry to the 56 best charging London Tourist Attractions. when you venture further out of London, they are also covered by this plastic card.
How it works?
Pay a one-time fee for the duration of your choice, 1, 2, 3, or 6 days and then start visiting tourist attraction as many time as you want.
The amazing destinations include
Tower of London, London Zoo, Kensington Palace, Windsor Castle, London Aquarium, Shakespeare's Globe, St Paul's Cathedral, Chelsea FC Stadium Tour and the Tower Bridge Exhibition and many more up to 56!
that's not the fun part. It comes with queue jumping privileges at the busiest attractions! Imagine the time you waste just to buy tickets before London Pass comes in. and queueing up is the worse turn-off factor for a well-planned vacation. It takes up much energy and time. Besides that, there is also option to include travel fares on London underground, bus and train network. Definitely a must for travelling. This card also reduced the pain of paying for he fees and converting your native country money just to pay bus fares and so on.
Saturday, 6 October 2007
your real travel
And time management is crucial. Easily said, the more time we spent there the more money we will use. Some people prefer to take their travel slow while some prefer to rush everything because of their tight budget. However you want your vacation to be, its alright. But planning for it is the hardest. I was abit pissed off through my whole vacation when i actually forget to bring my digital camera with me. NO PICTURES? that totally spoiled my whole vacation.
This is where Realtravel comes in. People share their amazing travel stories. And we get to share ours to. There is also a vacation planner and many other tools to help travelers to gain the most out of their trip. After all, real travel gives you real advices, real people and real experiences from travelers themselves. Resources are indeed helpful in planning your dream vacation. Its almost similar to getting a travel guide online. Dont let them go into waste.
Friday, 5 October 2007
off we go the famous football countries
They seems to have some incredible building and sceneries that will melt everyones heart.
Get around and have fun. when tired just have a good nice rest in any Hotels in Madrid.

They have nice night scenaries so choose a good nightspot for rest in Hotels in Barcelona
Explore the place because there will be Hoteles en Barcelona everywhere you go where you can get affordable stays to replenish yourself for all the fun.
Spain itself has a long history of wars and establishment. Hence its very unique culture. Spain is the second largest country in Western Europe (behind France) with many famous football playing countries.
If you get to go there, goo have a look around and not just obsessed with the whole football thing. After all it would be a waste not to see these amazing places when its just so near you.
Thursday, 4 October 2007
students need help?
However when it comes to tutoring, it is great, but the amount of time and money spent is ridiculous sometimes. Tuition teachers are starting to take advantage of the increasing amount of students, hence increased fees. Even so, going to the tuition center to attend the classes physically can be problematic with all the traffic jams around.
But there is another option, to be able to attend tuition classes virtually! Yup, that is through online tutoring.It has plenty of subjects available online for students to access it from the sweetness and comfort of their own home. The price is unexpectedly cheap too. In fact, online tutoring is getting more and more popular nowadays in helping students in their education.
This may in fact be the leading change in the lifestyle of our students today in the future. We may perhaps have foresee that students will attend their tutoring classes this way in a few years time in the future. For tutorvista, the future of learning may be now.
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
visiting the UK?

a nice romantic place to be, even if your single and available!
When i know my bro will kick me out of the house, i would be more than happy to experience Hotels in London at any occasion.

Look! they even have London Eye! wee!
‘When a man is tired of London he is tired of life!’ Samuel Johnson.How true.
and perhaps a day trip out to Manchester to see my favorite city in real life! A beautiful place with excellent sceneries to relax and hang out.
Getting there would not be that near, so I would probably catch up some good sleep and rest in any Hotels in Manchester before heading back to Bristol. This way I would not end up being exhausted throughout the vacation. The hotels there are cheap and great of course!
Birmingham would be a nice place to relax and replenish the energy. A good trip to Birmingham makes your vacation feels good and ends up refreshing! Before heading back to Malaysia, get a good nice rest and exciting stay at any of the Hotels in Birmingham. WHile the city sleeps, get out on the night life to pubs and bars to enjoy the chill of the night with hot beers =)
Thats my dream vacation end of this 2007 of course!
Sunday, 30 September 2007
france holiday
Many people whom i know visited places in France tells me that there is not much of night life available. It is hard to find a good place for food, places closes early except for pubs and bars. However when visiting France theres so much to do that you will definitely need that early night rest in Hotels in Paris to replenish your energy for the daylight outing! After all, visiting France is not all about just listening to the word Bonjour! isnt it?

When you visit France, you will never get bored. Expect to see magnificent buildings with cultures preserved in the cities around Paris. Not to be missed is the Eiffel tower that provides superb excellent view of the city. Its the view that will make you go WHOAAA for the rest of your trip! Not to forget, this is where Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker did the excellent fighting scenes filming of Rush Hour 3!
Then again, if you watch Mr.Bean's Holiday, you will know of this n-shaped building called Arc de Triomphe. I have no idea why but this building catches my attention immediately when watching the movie. Beautifully built and standing elegantly. A work of fine culture and engineering! amazing! After getting tired with walking around, perhaps even the historical national museum, get rest in many Paris Hotels available cheaply for your convenience!

not to forget the food and cuisine! they are of excellent quality. induldge yourself in french food definitely will keep your tastebuds going wild and makes you say YUMMY! in french if you know the word =) Be sure to carry around your friendly French dictionary! and also to get a good rest, pronounce Hôtels en Paris perfectly with your French accent =)France is a good place to be!
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Saturday, 8 September 2007
safe is not that safe?
and its not just any attack, its a pretty sophisticated one with many changing techniques, which is hard to defend. Aladdin, a internet security company based on Israel first found out the attack that has been attacking for a few weeks and yet unnoticed. It is not just any phishing attack, it is a multi-stage attack with brutal force on ebay accounts. The attack seems to be targeting ebay UK while other geography may well be targeted as well.
With ebay holding over millions of credit card informations, personal and financial data, lets hope that it will not be leaked.
Threat employs phishing - Aladdin researchers identified cases where victims have entered their credentials in phishing sites controlled by the attackers, giving further opportunity for the attackers to quickly gain access to an even larger number of accounts. The phishing operation appears to be ongoing and continues to collect user information. Aladdin researchers have validated cases in which the botnet collected active eBay account details.
Potential UK focus - Aladdin security specialists have identified that a high percentage of the threat's efforts are targeted specifically at UK-based eBay account holders. The Trojan appears to separate its handling of accounts, distinguishing between accounts inside and outside of the United States.
"Through new infection and attack methods, this targeted threat shows that Trojans are continuing to evolve into extremely dynamic, adaptive tools for online criminals, resulting in a potentially damaging aftermath for its individual victims," said Ofer Elzam, director of product management for the Aladdin eSafe Business Unit and head of the Aladdin eSafe CSRT. "This eBay botnet attack is unique, and definitely not found through traditional security measures. Aladdin's innovative security specialists are closely monitoring this new threat and are notifying the Web sites we determine are infecting Web surfers."
eBay Botnet Attack
First discovered by the Aladdin eSafe CSRT, the first-of-its-kind threat uses a sophisticated Trojan that infects visitors of hacked Web sites worldwide. It then uses infected computers to conduct a sophisticated distributed attack on eBay accounts in an effort to steal personal financial information and potentially alter settings that can place sold items in the wrong hands. Aladdin researchers estimate the threat has gone undetected for several days and that hundreds of popular Web sites, regardless of local language or geography, could be affected and are still infecting visitors.
Continued momentum has been logged by the Aladdin eSafe CSRT, citing research gained through Aladdin's eSafe SecureSurfing solution -- a solution deployed by ISPs to block malware before it reaches their customers. The Aladdin CSRT continuously monitors online security events discovered by the SecureSurfing service in search of further details surrounding this complex threat.
so the best is not to buy anything now from ebay until they resolve the matter. i do have an account in ebay and i have bought stuffs over the past few months. Just handle your ebay bidding cravings or get your money 'poof!' eaten by them.
further reading,1759,2178975,00.asp
Thursday, 6 September 2007
york York york
NY NY NY. getting around can be as frustrating. what more looking for New York Hotels. However always KISS on your trips. Keep it sweet and simple. Dont get too frustrated. Instead hang around the place, get to know the place. It is alright if you missed nice places that you really wanted to visit only after returning from the trip. After all, you will be on vacation only for few days not few years. So its best to get to know where and what to do there. Pre-book everything to make sure you are not missing all the fun. Of course, its best if you have friends or families over there that know the place much better.
But isnt NY just a city? Of course not. theres lots of fun where you can go shopping or even eat out. Its all up to you to explore. No place is ever boring, they are always unique.
now if only i can get vacation funds..i wanna go visit NY sometime...
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
where all blogs gather :)
Blog directory only lists trusted main resources that are already available on the famous Alive directory. This way, you only get good contents!. Browse through your favorite blog categories and much more. Of course, if you want to advertise your blog on thier directory, there are yearly and permanent submission plans available.
want to spend independance day in the museum?

read more bout it here!
Amazing event coming soon. what better way to celebrate independence day in a museum. :)
Sunday, 26 August 2007
staying safe online?

Do you guys know that IP is like your Identification Card on the WORLD WIDE WEB? Everytime you visit a webpage or chat online or download anything online or ANYTHING, you are recognized through your IP address. Which means that if you think that, heck I can just turn of my computer after downloading porn or anything, and they wont catch me. Its not true. There are already cases where security is concern. The police can even track your IP, the exact time you online (for dynamic IPs) with your internet service provider and BOOM. You get caught :p
There is a solution. Look out for softwares that protects your IP or rather hide IP address.
For example, have a look at their website.
You can right click on your streamyx status and see you IP. It’s the same on the website. Theres even your country flag there too! If you are concerned about going online without camouflaging, try out their product. Maybe that will keep you safe from you-know-who because u did you-know-what.
Watch what you plant!
but you got to watch what you plant!
GREENSBORO, N.C. - A 71-year-old woman was arrested on drug charges after a chest-high marijuana plant was found in her yard, a plant she said was meant to keep animals away from her garden.
A sheriff's deputy saw the plant as he drove past Betty Holt Walker's home earlier this month, according to Capt. Tony Caliendo of the Guilford County Sheriff's Department.
Shes 71 years old! thats way old!
Walker told the deputy she found the first plant _ which had grown to more than 4 feet tall when he saw it _ in her garden and repotted it. She said it was a special plant used to keep animals out of her front yard.
"This wasn't something that was meant to keep animals away," Caliendo said.
Do you think you believe her? Maybe she is selling them or maybe she REALLY doesnt know? Wow the judge is going to have a hard time.
Walker is due in court Sept. 12 to face charges of manufacturing marijuana and felony possession of marijuana. A daughter who lives in the home was unaware the plants were in the yard and was not charged, Caliendo said.(link)
Shes so old already. How are they going to prosecute her? Jail? Most probably she will be fined. But does that mean old people can break the law? or Rob the bank?
Saturday, 25 August 2007
Home theater

i mean LOOK AT IT!(a big good look please!) look at the flawless design, exquisite taste, the aura, the smell of it. It makes me go high, thats why i LOVE IT. its going to complement the color of my new place, makes the guests go woo waaa weee and everyone is going to like it. Talk bout having a real cinema(much more comfortable) in your home! This is what my home theater system is missing!
Well, thats my favorite piece out of many other excellent furnitures from It pleases me to see the designs i like before planning to buy it. It makes side by side comparisons easier and i don't have to waste my time going from store to store looking for what i want. If you are having troubles with finding furnitures, hop on to Houston furniture
Best of all you can get everything there. from the furniture set to the HIFI to the accessories. That way we can get more discount!
They provides excellent service and excellent discount. Plus there are also financing help for you to manage your budget with them, your furniture plan and theres also custom designs. Whichever way you want it they have it. In fact, the sales representatives will guide you throughout your buying process. Give them a call or email them. I find this service to be very useful, especially after-service. Many furniture look good when they arrive but its not actually true after a couple of weeks. Maybe the color can fade or the wood is not properly done. Buying furniture can actually be a hassle! therefore always look out for reliable sellers. Gallery Furniture gives good first impression and also many excellent looking products. Quality may seem to be their thing. Why not give them a try?
Weight loss as a plan
"If you don't have a plan, you're not going to lose weight," says the study's author, preventive-medicine specialist Dr. Warren Thompson, whose research was published in August's Mayo Clinic Proceedings.
Having a weight loss plan is crucial. It can be done with your nutiritionist, fitness intructor or the doctor. But dont just stop at a PLAN! discipline is very important. im having dicipline issued with my diet. eveytime i go on diet i will be on diet for real. then not long after ill be eating again, EVEN WORSE than before!
"I've had a patient whose mother whispered the letters w-e-i-g-h-t to me, with her hand over her mouth so the child couldn't see. I could tell it was something they had thought about and didn't want to bring up with the child," says Jacobson. Still, he insists that doctors must discuss the topic. One way to do so gently, he says, is to avoid the word obese and instead say the child has a weight problem. Doctors may also tell kids that their weight is a couple of years ahead of their age. Then, Jacobson says, he focuses the discussion more on the behaviors that could help improve the situation--like watching less TV and playing outside more--instead of concentrating principally on shape.
face the reality. if I am fat, I AM FAT!. a thousand people lying to you saying you are not when you ARE wont help. in the end you will only lie to yourself. WHY? does fat people have health problems? YES. and a million people who thinks you are still slim will not get rid of the increased risk of health disease.
"You don't want to make people feel embarrassed and not want to come back to you. You want them to get treated," he says. Jacobson stresses that every pediatrician should determine a child's body-mass index (BMI)--a figure arrived at by factoring weight and height to produce a two-digit number that roughly diagnoses obesity. BMI is an imperfect metric, in part because it does a poor job of taking body type and muscle mass into consideration, meaning that a stocky person with low body fat can be labeled obese. But as a starting point, BMI helps.
None of this absolves patients or parents from stepping forward and bringing up weight on their own. But whoever raises the topic, it's important for patients and doctors alike to remember that modest amounts of weight loss can disproportionately benefit overall health, even if the loss doesn't feel or look like much. That fact may be the best reason for everyone to show a little courage and say what needs to be said----even if it hurts a bit.
With reporting by Shahreen A. Abedin
very nicely said!
quizzes tests for fun
you would want to know how to they actually make money by giving all these tests for you FREE? well its simple. when you complete the tests, advertisements will show on the website itself that is based on what you answered. This way, the chances of the advertisement getting noticed by you and attracts you is higher. That means if you answered a question such as WHO WOULD YOU WANT TO KISS THE MOST:
then you ticked paris hilton. then all the ads regarding paris hilton is displayed and lure you into checking it out and buying paris hilton products.
GOOD PLAN isnt it? well, its a smart way to make money. AND A FUN THING FOR USERS. since its free, why not help induldge ourselves with these quizzes. There are so many around!
for example, QUIZ ROCKET offers
Dating Personality Quiz, Religion Test, Intelligence Quiz, Office Character Quiz, Where Should I Live Quiz, Personal Fashion Style Quiz,Cooking Quiz, Reality TV Quizzes, Dumb Test, Pop Culture Quiz, One Hit Wonder Songs Quiz, Pop Music Quiz, Gay Guiz,Online Bible Quiz, Teen Personality Quiz, Lesbian quiz, and the "Impossible" Quiz
up to date
thats a LOT of fun! take the religion test and many other tests now
Friday, 24 August 2007
Attic Lifts= safe

So save the hassle and get an attic lift.
Makes life a lot easier, safer and somehow fun too :p
Now Santa can have a safe journey from the attic during Christmas for those who does not have a fireplace.
watch where you step...err i mean SMS!
think againnnn
Officials think that Zachariah Smith was so engrossed in sending a text message Monday that he didn't notice a train - until it hit him as he crossed tracks in Elmwood Place.
Smith, 18, was on Township Avenue about 10 a.m. Monday waiting to cross the tracks. The gates were down to allow a CSX train to continue its southbound route.
When that train passed, Smith, apparently too intent on texting, was hit by a northbound Norfolk Southern train that he didn't see coming from the other direction. He was thrown about 50 feet.
Smith was taken to University Hospital, where he was listed in serious condition.
"The horn was blowing like mad, and the kid was text-messaging," Ellison said.
"The kid apparently was just daydreaming."
Officials suspect that Smith confused the horn and noise made by the oncoming train with that of the train that had just passed him heading south.
Deer Park's Mike Billups saw the train hit Smith, knocking him through the air and, at least at first, knocking him out.
"Initially, I thought he had cleared the train until I saw (Smith) from underneath the train lying on the ground," Billups said.
full news
So the next time you sms, do it somewhere safe. even when i sms while walking around the campus i do bump into a lot of people. so never sms on the road. instead, the safest place to sms would be in
mint mint mint

Isnt the design sweet?
But thats not all the sweetness the mint card has. It has a breath-re freshening INTEREST FREE balance transfer for 13-months! thats hot in the mouth!
Look at all the Zeroes
- 0 %on balance transfers (2.5% fee) until
1 October 2008 - 0% on purchases until 1 March 2008
- 0% bonus offer until 1 June 2009 on balance transfers debited to your account during December 2008 (2.5% fee)
who says heroes are winners and zeroes are losers?
With a good credit card, you get good services and good discounts. especially with so many merchants around, its tough to just even look for a reliable one. And yet MINT offers a great introductory package so delicious. It also has 24 hours customer service, online banking and many other great benefits and services. Shop online now and have fun. Thats when you know you have got 56days interest free on purchases. now thats WOW. :)
MINT might be the one of your MIND.
Thursday, 23 August 2007
travelling + information =?
btw do check out for more fun stuffs :p
many of my friends are going to australia next year. what is there in australia. A LOT I TELL YOU. i wanna go as well. sob sob
so lets see whats hot in Australia. this is my first Virtual Travel to Aussie. okay virtual travel sounds funny. muahaha
wowow first must go dating. i heard Sydney is a good spot to date with people. it has a nice night view that both you and your girlfriend(s) would enjoy.
Also not to be missed is OPERA in Sydney. nice show showing now would be 'The Barber of Seville'

heres the summary:
Need a haircut? Call Figaro. Need a date? No problem. Broken heart? Figaro is your man. Watch out Sydney, because Seville’s Mr Fixit is coming to town from 26 June - 30 August 2007 with a stylish new production of Rossini’s much-loved romantic comedy, bubbling over with playful melodies and melting arias at the Sydney Opera House.
Interesting. how often do you see a barber play?
Melbourne has a lot of bars. and these great bars serve great drinks to warm yourself up during winter. but it doesn't snow though. still its a nice place to hangout after working. drench yourself in a cool drink and relax to the music. or socialize with people in the bar. :)
orh and shopping is a plus and must! lots of wonderful boutiques around.
time to get adventurous. EAT WHAT YOU SEE. but dont forget to SEE WHAT YOU EAT. they might serve you cow's testicles! muahahaha
after a tiring day, rest in a hotel. find Hotels in Melbourne. stay is cheap and of good quality.
time to go BRISBANE!
ooopsss overspent. not much money left. but if you do wanna enjoy Brisbane, head on without fear, tour around and look for cheaper Hotels In Brisbane.
hmnnn time to find a part time job and continue the Australia Tour!
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
If you have a blog that is qualified. please put this code into the sidebar of your blog.

Remember to copy and paste the codes directly or I will feel sad :( sob sob sob
This contest is organised by smashpop. Look at what is offered:

Thanks so much for helping out. If you are my friends my readers or anyone who helps me ill love you guys lots.
Plus you will need to leave a comment here or tell me that you have put it up on your blog so that i can tell smashpop to update the entries. So far i have 4 already :)
mailboxes mailboxes

These are not just ordinary mailboxes. they keep mails safe and secure. Im always pissed when my mail comes and its always drenched in the rain. So in the end i will be reading those wet mails instead. Sometimes its not even in the mailbox. I dont know maybe the postman has grudges against people who uses their mailbox over and over again. Mines a metal one, bought for many years already. Every year i just repaint it :) hahaha

If you are looking for commercial ones for big huge offices this one is rather tempting. modern looking mailbox with extra huge capacity. Plus the girl is cute too. i guess its not included?

HAHA! this one is even certified by USPS? mine will definitely be rejected by POS MALAYSIA. :)
They even offer $20.00 for everyone who refers their friends and family to them and buy mailboxes. So you can even earn money by selling mailboxes :) Having a good looking mailbox will make thepostman go vavvoom when they place their hands and our letters inside. A great decor for the house to make it look luxurious.
travelling and yet feel secure
for example
you find yourself lost
you met with an evil villain and spider man is not there for you
you don't feel well in the new country
and many more. people usually think that they wont be so unlucky to come into those when they go for vacation. But why keep yourself worrying about your health and medical expenses when you go travel abroad when you can actually get medical travel insurance that will keep you safe and worry over things for you?
They offer
• Up to 92 days cover on Annual Multi Trip policies
• Competitive level of cover - see schedule of benefits
• Low Excesses (with the excess waiver option)
• Many hazardous activities included at no extra cost
• Dedicated 24 hour medical emergency service
There are other insurance floating around. But most of them have hidden expanses and being a fussy when you want to make an international claim. This one is specially for you and your family who wants to travel around the world and yet feeling secure.
Theres always a day to prepare for the rainy tomorrow.
Sunday, 19 August 2007
Steven Lim vs Xia Xue
First Xia Xue labeled Steven Lim as one of the most disgusting blogger.
Next, Steven Lim retaliates. who is steven lim? Watch this:
Heres Steven Lim retaliation:
buahahahah so childish :)
anyway heres the definition of chicken pie. Translate chicken it becomes CHI in mandarin. so CHI PIE(CHI BAI) Blogger. :) *shakes head*
lose weight?
lap band is actually a way to defeat obesity, and all those health risks that comes with it. Basicly what they do is to is to reduce stomach capacity and the amount of food you can take in at a time.
During the procedure, only tiny incisions will be made. Then equipments are used through the tiny hole to wrap the inflatable silicon band around the upper part of the stomach. They can do this thorough the narrow camera inside one of the incision. LAP BAND will fasten your upper stomach,thus enabling you to eat but with limit.
You still eat the food you love but only a tiny amount will make you full.
A nice way to lose weight!
thieves that are not so thie-vy

make mum proud? Not in theses cases below

Thief caught trouser-less!
woman suspected of shoplifting who tried to evade security guards was eventually caught with her pants down.
The woman bizarrely dropped her trousers when staff caught up with her as she tried to scale a fence.
She had left the Somerfield store in Exeter with three legs of lamb.
She was arrested and later bailed by police.
the not so brave anymore?
A burglar was foiled by a homeowner who pointed a shotgun at him - and told him to take his trousers off.
The burglar broke into a house only to be confronted by the man who pulled out a shotgun and fired a warning shot.
The homeowner then demanded the raider remove his trousers and shoes, which he did.
A fight broke out between them and the burglar managed to flee - barefoot and trouserless.
How bout her trying to shake the police off? by going naked
A woman in America accused of shoplifting made a daring escape bid when apprehended by police – by wriggling out of her shirt and running topless down the street.
credit:, digg
Thursday, 16 August 2007
Angel Angels Angelss!
If you answer my call, you could be one! Car angel!
Car Angle is actually an non-profit organization that helps orphans. Not just orphans. Over 1500+ orphans worldwide now! Also sponsoring at-risk youth, the homeless, those who needs new directions and so on. They are actually an organization doing charity for people who needs them!
And if you are one of the car angel, happens to drop by and have an extra car that keeps dust in the garage, why not Donate Your Car In Los Angeles?
Not only that. apart from being able to contribute to the society, be a good Samaritan and help out with the Los Angeles Car Donations you can also donate boats, properties, and houses. There are also projects such as Free DVDs for Kids! If we have been living way too well, let others enjoy it. They may not for the rest of their lives, so its up for use who have all the happiness in this world to share it with them!
If i do have the money i would contribute. Too bad im just a student. However, if you are feeling real generous, hop on to their website and change a life today.
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
the smart way for teenage spending
There is one easy solution to this which is the prepaid debit card. by all means its not to control your children spending but actually to guide them on how to spend their money wisely. Use only when you really need it and not empty whats full.A prepaid teen card will definitely help those who have troubles keeping up with their excessive spending. Or are we not supposed to give them a card? but carrying a lot of cash to may worsen the situation. How are the teens coping up with their parents giving them a prepaid teen card?
The ultimate tool for diet-goers would be a calorie counter. There must be a balanced diet. No extreme starvation will work. Instead count those calories you input using a free calorie counter is fast and easy. Taking extra food which will turn into fat, the counter will calculate how much you need and how to do it. Its a wise thing to first fulfill your calorie requirements before working out to burn those fat. That way you can still eat healthily without worrying about any adverse effects your diet may do to your body!
Monday, 13 August 2007
travel+blog = fun

Traveling is always a fun thing to do. Besides being able to understand the culture of the country you visit, you get to enjoy the spectacular views which are always unique in every country. Of course, unless you are a multi-billionaire, the once-a-year-trip must be planned nicely. You wouldn't want to end up cursing all the way there and all the way home because your little trip is spoiled.
If you are eye-ing and planning to travel around Asia, you made a great choice. Again, it is not a small contingent that you can travel around overnight. There is plenty of places to check out. Choosing a good spot to land in would be a really tough decision. But first check out Asia travel blog. They blog about traveling around Asia and how much fun you would have missed if you did not read beforehand. Its also better to have a plan in mind. If you plan to get around a shopping heaven, you might want to first have a look at what they have to say about the prices in "Three Cheapest Cites for Shopaholics" featured on their blog. Or maybe you prefer to know more about authentic food that might interest your stomach. Then "5 Weirdest Thing Chinese People Eat in Guangzhou" will be your interesting read.
As usual, before packing up to your favorite destination such as the magnificent Taj Mahal, always do some research and check out the guide to Taj Mahal.
Not to forget, take a lot of photos, travel and spread the love. :)
Sunday, 12 August 2007
iclone anyone?
Your guide to travel
One important aspect while traveling is to get around quickly, save time and money at the same time. Being in an all new place will probably make things go nasty. It is always important to have a friend or being prepared beforehand. Or plan the trip so that you enjoy the trip, not end up getting frustrated just like any other working days there when you are supposed to have fun!
Personally, when i travel i would go with Hotel Reservations if i ever want to go travel. This is because they make Hotel Reservations so easy! They are the perfect companion for any travel around the world. They provide convenience because not only you can choose to make business (with lots of love) with them but also through the very-user-friendly website. The website offers other country currency and language too. This too is absolutely important as you dont have to worry bout converting the digits and you get it in your favorite language!
Besides that, make them your buddy if you travel very often. This is because they give you more discounts. Imagine how much you could save. They allow super saving plans for hotel rooms, rentals for cars, and even plane tickets. The 'save up to 70%' is no joke to them. And are you traveling to a place you think there probably wont even have hotel? Not to worry because Hotel Reservations have a wide extended network of hotels. Being in Kuala Lumpur, there are even hotels which provide cheaper rates and rooms just as beautiful that I do not know about. Therefore if you are looking for a budget stay, don’t just target 5 stars hotel that are available anywhere you go. Try to look up the guide in Hotel Reservations on travel tips and also search for a hotel that suits you, its not ourselves that need to suit the hotel. After all we are paying for it, don’t we have the right to choose? And choosing Hotel Reservations is the right choice for every little traveler!
Thursday, 9 August 2007
i wouldn't say im not jealous but how confident are you with dell computer? ive used a Dell 10 years ago where computers are highly priced. The first laptop was Dell and its worth RM8,000. which is like junk right now.
well, im not too sure if Dell is really reliable. Another Dell bites the Dust?
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
thoof me thoof me!
Installing the thoof badge is a breeze. all you have to do after posting your personalized news for viewing is by submitting it to thoof and thoof gives you a code to paste at the bottom for publishing. its so easy to track your posts.
when you publish, why not give thoof a try. im sure if you love personalized news, your readers would love them too. :)
Top 10 girl Pickup Lines in Library
Instead of starting it by by boring conversations and leave each other with nothing much to do, how bout looking through these.
Top 10 Girl Pickup Lines In Library10.The librarian wants to know your hp number, your name and your friendster addy. *points myself*
9. I cant seem to find this book: “DUMMIES GUIDE FOR SPEED DATING“. can you help me?
8. My house is as comfortable as this library. how bout a visit?
7. hey ill pay you 100 bucks for me to tutor you.
6. Id rather read you than all reading all the books in this world.
For a complete list, hop on to
and catch the dramatic AdrianC in action.
Monday, 6 August 2007
laptops? computers? and brand wars.
Lenovo Group, the world's third-largest personal computer maker, recorded a near 13-fold increase in net profit for the first quarter as it reported strong growth in PC shipments.
It hasnt been long since we first heard about lenovo IBM. being one of the leading brand in China proves that they can own the world.
The company saw robust growth in PC shipments in all of its markets with a 30 percent increase in China, accounting for more than a third of the overall PC market in the country.
In the Americas, the computer maker saw a growth of 15 percent in unit shipments and an increase of 22 percent in Europe, Middle East and Africa. In Asia, it recorded year-on-year rise of 12 percent.
Lenovo's notebook computers remain the largest contributor to total revenue, driven by sales in China and the launch of consumer products in Asia, with shipments in notebooks up 26 percent, while desktop shipments grew 20 percent.
Looking ahead, the company said it will further enhance its global supply chain, improve the competitiveness of its desktop business and build on its brand overseas.
"Lenovo was unknown outside China before, but it was known by more and more people outside China now," Yang told reporters.
The results show for themselves. Lenovo is in fact making a lot of progress. Even the coverage of Lenovo brand in Malaysia is increasing. Friends are buying Lenovo instead of the normal Dell, HP COmpaq and the rest. Any happy users of lenovo? When compared to the rest of the brands, are they really up to par? Or better?
Saturday, 4 August 2007
going on a missionary travel?
they provide reliable services. People who traveled provided positive feedbacks about them. Their testimonials are published to the world on their Missionary and Testimonials page. They also provide 24 hour cell phone service which is pretty useful when things dont go so well. They are also able to provide budget travel for missionaries because they have special contracts with airlines to cater for missionaries. And they are very experienced people working there, mostly missionary staffs. Besides that, they have honest Christian staffs which provides customer with sense of security.
For those who are going on missionary, you may be able to save alot.