Remember i got the tickets to A1 in Sepang for free? hehe it was on for three days but i didnt go on friday because no transport there. Then i decided not to waste the free ticket and went there last Saturday. It was the qualifying session XD

Thats me..whats that? A red lotus Elise? yeah, my car...MINE!(maybe in a few years time laaar)
A1 is not as famous as F1. The cars dun look really nice compared to F1..
Even the cars looked like toy cars..
I was BORED to dead. Except for the fact that loud engine noise when the car zzzooomed by. Ended up taking lunch there:of oversized hot dog with small bread and a mineral lunch -.-

So i that was i did on Saturday. I even took a mechanical bull ride there! hahaz... ill upload the video later. lasted half a minute cos the bulls backside err uhm i mean back is damn slippery..and i wore tight jeans..real tight if u get what i mean..
The next day, Sunday, i slept at home...XD no interest to go to the people-packed Sepang to watch anymore....and i didnt know who is the winner...haha talk bout wasting time! XD
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