Saturday 28 July 2007

selling something online?

ive seen a lot of people selling their stuffs online. However, using third party website always gives you the disadvantage of customizing your online shop personality and webpage. However, while there are always cheap webhostings around, you can always get a website for your online shop, selling whatever you want. Most of my friends have their own online shop where they promote their stuffs, mostly tees.

and most of you would know that i took e-commerce subject as one of my electives last semester. yes i do have the basics of doing business online. muahahah but here are a few things to keep in mind when you start selling stuffs:

location: iwannasellmyundiesblabla bla dot com

as you can see, the link is way too long. too hard for ppl to remember and have its own personality. instead use a short and memorable URL. remember people are lazy to type nowadays, much to remember ur URL.

as important as location, you dont want to error 404 your visitors or give them error WEBPAGE NOT FOUND. that would be painful as you will definitely lose customers. try to get good and reliable web hosting with 24 hours live support. in case your undies wont sell. :p

get a clean theme. easy to navigate webpages means easy to buy your stuffs.

when you shop online, you will probably need ecommerce software which enables your customers to have their very own shopping cart. its an all-in-one package which makes buying your products online a breeze. remember, we want to make sure shopping online for your product is as easy ad taking it out of the shelve and put it into the shopping cart. when convenience and reliability is concerned, an online shopping cart is essential.

these are a few things i thought of. while these are just basics which some essentially forget, getting money online is enjoyable and easy!

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