
whoaaa ive been away...ive been on anime vacation and im crazy bout anime! haha
all thanks to DERRICK and SATHES *salutes both of them* for those animes they have..and im borrowing MORE MORE and MORE ANIME!
i wasnt such an anime addict before this. i thought, its just cartoon anyway but then after watching, WHOA. damn addictive! NO its not your ugly crayon sin-chan cartoons, in fact those anime are so lifely! the graphics are awesome. the gals are super kawaiii. waaaaa.
oh btw mr tsung(my ex-physics sensei/teacher)=naruto fan. HAHA. i remembered him drawing that sign on the board during physics lesson last time.
oh btw internet sucks big time. tmnet set up a huge huge HUGE firewall and did bandwith throttling to our internet.
if u dunnoe what that means, see the banner(clickable) on the right and know all the dirty stuffs bout our internet...or wiki bandwith throttling.
LOVE HINA totally rocks socks.
just to tell you ill be on anime vacation until uni starts. or at least uni orientation. monash malaysia anime HERE I COME!

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