seriously if its not for my holidays i wouldnt even spend so much time trying to repair what seems to be simple problems. like wtf problems.
it came preinstalled in all the notebooks. it looks cool. the interface is new, bubbles screensaver, gadgets ( copy of mac widgets)
but theres a catch. (maybe CATCHES!)
Firstly, its original Vista home basic. and when i connect to Windows Update to get latest updates from microsoft all i get is shit that causes problems. updates that are either fail to intall or worked and next thing you know, you cannot start your com up. now wtf is this? i might as well pay for pasar malam windows xp professional and forget bout all these shit. and damn it microsoft. ppl will just turn to mac for stability if not for your nonsense!
and i have to reformat like so many bloody times just to get a clean configuration. and its not even perfect. all of a sudden my bluetooth is not working on my laptop. arghhhhhhhhhhhhh
i hate you vista. i cant wait to dump you!

dun even bother bout switching to vista. its still new(bloody new) and needs more improvement. trust me, its not user friendly at all!
sorry i made you read through the rants (and the vulgar words). its 4.39 AM and am still frustrated. arghhh
Get Ubuntu for free and install it...dual boot with Vista.
great idea. i already have the live cd ready. still thinking how to do it. meanwhile ill get the ppl at compaq to do the dirty job!
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