yes. its finals. and it ended today.
after finishing i went to the new monash campus with my bunch of frens (yeet, hoe, soon and kenny).
during the all-guys-cramp-in-the-waja thingy on the way to monash surprisingly kenny got his hormones all messed up and started talking bout 'holes' when we saw a girl driving a modified kao kao with two HUGE exhaust pipe at the back.
Shangq yeet: walew look at the exhaust man
Adrian: yeah damn big wei
Shangq yeet: i think its a girl driving summore
Kenny: Yeah. GIRLS have 2 big HOLES.
Adrian: -.-ll
Yeet: -.-ll
Hoe: -.-ll
Soon: -.-ll
Kenny: muahahahaha
after all that we run around the new campus like a bunch of horny kids. then lina meet up with us for further exploration.
the whole place is like freaking huge. it looked like a hospital. walking around is like shopping at mid valley megamall.
anyway after that yeet drop me at asia to have lunch with kavi and siaw chien. both of them is getting prettier day by day i must admit. after only half a year they already lookd much prettier. argh. and on top of that both have long silky hairs. like in some shampoo add. i think i wanna leave my hair long also. :p
it was also coincidence that i ordered the same crispy chicken rice after they ordered theirs. so all three of us took the same thing. not bad actually. the crispy chicken is crispy and the rice rice! haha
wanted to sneak into the taylors library after makan but their card reader decided to work again! haha! de tour to asia net to play cs and command&conquer 3 for 3 hours straight. damn steam gaming! haha

okay thats all for now. feeling guilty about something. got to confess. got to repair relationships. so many things to do. and holidays (so called holidays) is only 3 weeks long.
for those still having exams, all the best and good luck!!
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