If you are looking for a place to learn swimming, this is the place you should avoid at all costs. Apparantly Dolphin Training Center managed to rent the swimming pool in Matsushita Sports Stadium in Shah Alam. Thats where i took my swimming lessons, learn my first froggie
sex swim style for about 6 months already, until i walked away and never to return to that place. Joe was the one who recommended me the place and so i went there with my sis to learn swimming.

Actually based on my hunt and research for swimming places, matshushita has a great pool. Olympic sized pool, well maintained and clean (much cleaner than public pool). There are other pools in around Klang and Subang, but be careful where u choose to swim. One of my brothers friend swam at the public pool in Klang and came home with extra red-tan-blotches on his skin. Skin diseases! A great place to swim is 3k, in Subang. actually i swam there lots of times, sometimes with friends and even alone once. The best part is its an indoor swimming pool, so you dont have to worry about bra-strap lines or invisible underpants appearing on your skin.
Anyway back to the topic today, why i ditched the swimming centre? My trainer is extremely good (remember mr.donovan?) there are lots of chicks swimming there, its a good pool, it gave me the tan and invisible underwear lines on my skin. Why? Simple. Their administration services. Whatever you pay for in this world, you look for the warranty, the after-buy services. Especially with training centers where their main product IS services.
My allocated time for swimming is on Sunday mornings. And usually on weekends you go out with your family, and so on. I chose Sundays also because usually i am free. When i say usually, these year alone there were few circumstances. I was away outstation and back to Penang for my vacation during Chinese New Years. And i was away to Penang for my cousin's wedding.
So what is it all about? I postponed my classes. The taukeh of the swimming classes are fine with it. We TOLD him and he PROMISED that he will call us for further arrangements. He never did.
Another instance was it was raining heavily in Klang. In that kind of weather with thunderstorm, it is too dangerous to swim. So my dad called to ask them whether it is cancelled or not. They cant even give a good reply. So we are supposed to go there and WAIT? hello, we DONT LIVE BESIDE THE STADIUM we live in Klang. And when the lady thought she deserved to be pissed YELLED at my dad YOU KEEP ASKING SO YOU COMING OR NOT?!! that is not something you want to yell at my dad at. my dad was so super pissed. Who wouldnt?
After that i was sick. They do give replacements for girls who got period but not for sick people. So again, i have to postpone my class due to my fever and body ache. And there they are, claiming we cannot do that. What do you mean?!! So even if you are sick, you still go into the water to swim? Thats like STUPID. The fever will definitely get worse then! OMG dont they have common sense? SO. if we were to be sick( we are not god, humans get sick) we are supposed to pay money to you even when we dont attend the class? Its acceptable to say that if the person do it on purpose (like masturbating the whole night until the next morning he felt lazy to swim) but sick ppl?
And its not even cheap! RM 70 per month. My mum met her friend there and she got discount because someone recommended her there. So all three of her children pay cheaper fees. Its okay for me because i only took it together with my sis for like 6 months plus but Joe went there for about 2 years together with his sister and pays the same fees until now. This is business. What do you do for loyal customers? GIVE THEM BENEFITS! not SELECT certain ppl to give discounts at!
They have the BEST pool, they have the BEST trainers, they have LOTS of customers but they forgot whats the most important especially for companies providing services, CUSTOMER SERVICE! come on, if the situation is that they lack students, they will LICK you TO YOUR PANTIES to beg you to stay. It seems now that one or two customers DONT MATTER DAM SHYT TO THEM. and one simple and most important thing can bring down reputation.
You may think that: AIYAH WHY YOU SO FUSSY? JUST PAY AND LEARN LA. But seriously if you do that, you are being exploited. YOU PAY FOR THAT DAMN SERVICE AND YOU GET SHIT? its like going to the store and buy electronics like DVD players and say IM JUST GONNA PAY YOU. IM NOT TAKING THAT DVD PLAYER HOME. your money, you worked had for it and you deserve what you pay for. If its free then dont complain much.
If thats the case, i prefer to just do jacuzzi at home. Dad doesnt allow me to dig the backyard to plant a huge jacuzzi, my only hope was:

Plastic pool