What do you do when you are bored?

yes, been having tonnes of laziness, sleep like a pig, eat like a pig and bored to an extreeme level. am rotting at home. maybe not rot. because when something rots, you dont gain extra mass(fat)
Due to a series of unfortunate events such as reformatting my computer leaving only the games o2jam and maple story, im back to mapling. which is bad. real bad.
Part time job: none
money saved from the beginning of holidays:nil RM0 -broke
money spent: a lot..till i lost track of it.
Potential girlfriend: unknown
Weight: increase like bollocks
Hair: longer-bad hair day!
Getting a job, especially a part time one is super hard. The other day(last thursday i think) i called Demo Power(a trialing company to let customers 'taste' the product in supermarkets) and they asked me to go all the way to Petaling Jaya for job interview -.-
so i went all the way there, spent 2 freaking hours listening to their get-to-know-our-company speech and lastly ended up with no part time job and the normal ill-call-you-back-later msg.
Not that im not qualified, its that i requested for the place nearby my house, Giant Klang or Tesco Klang but they said theres no project available for
guys currently.
@sshole. Do i sound like a girl when i called them to enquire about a job in Tesco Klang?
Wasted my time totally. And also money to get to their freaking office.
And i studied. Yes, after 2 weeks without touching any pen and paper, I studied for my UNDANG test. lol yes im gonna get my driving license ^^

My practice book, KPP notes and handwritten notes.
and i
PASSED :p :) ^_____^Last Sunday, went on to the Kursus Pendidikan Pemandu(KPP) which totals up to a freaking 5 hours. Hell. And my friends were like telling me that its gonna be freaking boring. Anyway it didnt go that bad actually. I kinda liked the lecturer that day. He is freaking humorous and he made the entire 5 hours super dam fun. At the end of the class he even showed us photos of accidents, with all broken bones, heads, intestines, stomachs due to accidents on road. EWWW!
finished doing 500 Undang practice questions. YES lol 500 questions in one night! i wonder if the rest of you guys actually finished the whole practice 500 questions book.
then yesterday took undang test at the center.reached there at 9AM something. Still have to wait for hours. Theres only like 15 computers. When it was my turn to register, my IC cant scan! )!*#()!*@#)(* called my driving school and he say if cant solve ill have to go back at 5 p.m.
So i kept on rubbing rubbing and rubbing! not rubbing my eyes and cry lar. I rubbed my IC at the smart card part and finally after 3 freaking tries, it worked. ITS A MIRACLE FOOO~
And to make u guys feel guilty, you all should not be enjoying your holidays now by going out with friends and spending parents money. After all, who took good care of you when you are busy having your exams and school? Even tho my daddy and mummy wont be reading this, I just want to thank them for their support not only for this year, for the past 17 years and the future years to come. Daddy always prepares breakfast for me, send me to college and so on. He even woke up early to send me to college during the finals when some of the paper actually starts at 7.00A.M in the morning (yeah bloody using Australian time is their 9.00A.M)
So just an advice, help out with household chores and dont be lazy! XD so did i make u feel guilty now? heheh
Ive been reading during the holidays. Really little. XD
Never thought i would need self-help books until i found one which i actually read through(speed reading) it at Taylors Library days before my student ID expires. LOL

Self-help books are GREAT!
And even watching DVDs are motivating me. Seen John Tucker Must Die? Well, to get the girl of your dreams, you do not need to be the most popular guy in town. Just be yourself. Because everyone is special in their own way. Something that i might not think of. What is special about Adrian? hmnnnn
You are special because you are different- Backstreet Boys

Books to finish by end of this month:
Bridget Jones Diary: The Edge of Reason by Helen Fielding(halfway done- they use the word F*ck so many times ppl might think Fu*k means hello. LOL)
Dalai Lama - The Transformed Mind(started but doubt i would finish it)
Dalai Lama(again?) - An Open Heart(doubt i would even start it lol)
Copycat Marketing 101(sounds interesting eh)
Rich Dad Poor Dad(heard this is really good..cant wait to start this one im finished with Bridget)
We Werent Lovers Like That by Navtej Sarna
A Himalayan Love Story by Namita Gokhale----> love story books where the title caught my attention..lol)
and a book on biotechnology o.0
havent start my swimming lessons(prolly next sunday), my intensive guitaring(using computer software..private teacher foo~). LOL i wonder if i can do all that. XD
also i need a haircut. my hair is like alley cats hairstyle rite now! should i leave it long or get a bootscut eh? o.0
Also went to ICPU graduation day at TCSJ today to work. My job is pretty simple, hand out the graduaion gowns, do gown-check when they return it and tadaaa~ worked for bout 6 hours, with lunch and RM30..foo~ XD
And my friends asked me, ICPU have leng luis(pretty girls) meh?
YES! god and they are FREAKING HOT! DAMN i wishED it wont end. but it ended sadly, i made no new friends.
okok this is more like an essay now (i miss my ESL teacher Mrs Banu)..
time to chao
still fantasizing bout ICPU girls