Yupz, thats me beside the bar. XD looking good eh. must.resist.temptation.of.cocktails.

Haha! gosh Jaclyin singing the Motorola Anthem. And theres also Sassi the don(however u spell it) >.<
Was that tiger beer? o.0 haha of course not, its coke+sprite. It does look like beer isnt it? im not kidding.
This guy look handsome? from some band o.0 the girl standing beside me was practically trying hard to get a close photograph of him. I could hear her grumbling in chinese: cannot..cannot!(since when hes real close he just happen to pass by) haha!
Then theres Marion looking really good. Must be those effect of OSIM UZap. Shes got the perfect body every woman and man dream of(when i say man thats a different dream, wet dreams? :p)
Marion is as thin as a tree branch. You know those curves and all. If i stand beside Marion ill feel so much shorter.. And a trunk(this trunk is not the trunk below u perverts)
Did she just wave at us? Like a Miss Universe contestant! *faints*
Some of u might have seen her, shes Serena C of Hitz.fm, the first lady of the station. Bet u guys are all familiar with her voice.
And thats our hot chick Adam and BoA!
haha no maybe not BoA. Shes Hannah Tan, all dressed up like BoA isnt she? If u guys dont know her, shes the FHM Most Sexiest Woman 2002. And she just released her album. Coolness. or maybe Sexiness.
And Reshmonu singing SUPERFINE. is it me or he does have a lil belly?(no abs!) too much char kueh teow i think. His hair is cool tho lol.
ONE BUCK SHORT! i like their hit 'Fast Times' totally out of the world rock.*notice the bunny playing the guitar?* :p
Thats Lo giving out the award to Pop Shuvit.
Haha its the favourites crazii JJ and Rudy! LOL
Party ended at around 10.30 pm and the rest of the world continue clubbing. After party, got hungry and bugged my parents and bro to hunt for *special* food.
Haha! can smell the stall from far far far away. guess what special food is that?
TADA! my first "chou tou fu" aka stinky toufu aka fermented toufu experience! haha! tasted so good i wanted more!
summary: malaysian bands are cool!, MARION MARION MARION and HANNAH TAN, STINKY TOUFU roxxx! ok not forgetting the cool peeps at Hitz.fm!
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