Of course, an all paid trip(free! wee) to genting. WHO DONT WANT TO GO? haha me joe luke and bernie went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. wth im talking bout. o.0
So we went to genting and get to know lots of cool peeps. so many names to be written here but im telling you it was fun.

On the bus. Joe wasnt feeling well. maybe he got his period.

Luke and Bernie. That guy go in the bus straight sleep.
The first ride was the flying chair. more like hanging ppl and spinning them around.
Joe: Its just a chair swing. come on adrian you can do it.
Luke: WTH my grandma can sit this la.
Adrian(yells during ride): OMG I LOVE MY MUM I LOVE MY DAD I LOVE CHAR KUEY TEOW. yes adrian is a freaking coward.
But after that i really wanted to go for the ride again. lol.
Next we had some ride(forgot the name) but u will wet your underpants. wet as in the water will splash all over you. was fun. imagine getting dipped with cold water in genting highland. freezing balls:priceless.
Hmn...what next. orh we went for some CORKSCREW. it is seriously amazing. the first time i ride it thought. dam syok feel like going for it again!


While waiting for the SPACE SHOT RIDEEE we took picsss:

NOTICE: JOE not in the pic. perhaps he doesnt want to mess up the ride with bloood.
Among the games we played, Some treasure hunt(people looking hunt) around Genting. We ran in the rain IN GENTING. managed to get 19/20. sadly we lost but the experience: AWESOME. and some guess-what-movie-it-is-game.
after that we all went home with the bus of course. it was a tiring day bla bla bla but was fun! GENTING TRIP ANYONE??!!
GROUP 8! notice tanduk on rachel!
Kesian rachel lar kena tanduk again lol!


Lina(in middle) and two unidentified girls tiba tiba appear in my cam. lol

2 horny guys one lovely couple and one sexy tree. *PEACE*

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