Sunday, 17 April 2011
Uniform fetish
Not just making you feeling full physically but also those nurses uniforms, dental office uniforms, ER, doctor, and all those pretty outfits you can think of.
I meant these fashion seal scrub sets are exactly the ones you can see on American hospital dramas. I'm not sure what you can do with them, its all up to your imagination and how you want to cosplay with it. Use it during the day for photo shoots or during the night for... its all up to your imagination.
Being a medical lab scientist, wearing a medical uniforms lab coats may seem normal but oh yeah, is does look comfortable and attractive. I guess these world needs some exciting outfits to play with. and who says professionals cant have some fun?
Thursday, 30 October 2008
footsie fans out there!
And of course, with good football must come with good beer. And we all know Carlsberg is all about being a part of the game. They launched a football web-TV-channel for all footsie people out there. Yes, its a Carlsberg web-tv! It has 5 channels for all aspects of football such as classic football matches and your favourite football stars.
Go turn on the web-tv and drool on. And if your a footballer yourself, amateur or pro upload your football moments to the site for everyone to enjoy!

Thursday, 6 December 2007
they cared for us once, who really cares for them?
Yes, everyone is now busy with their own lives. Busy with their work, busy with their own family building, a beautiful wife, making money and being famous. But there is this one advertisement I watched, or rather heard from the original story. The story about these parents who feels disgusted about their own parents in front of their kid. When their parents who are old often break porcelain bowls, they would just ask them to use a plastic one instead and not sit on a table with them. Then the next day, the child would make bowls out of coconut shells. When asked by their parents, the child said that "when papa and mama grow old in the future, this is the bowl you all will be using"
It is a touching story, because one day, no matter how much we love our parents, there are many things that would make us neglect our parents.
It is not wrong with spending money for nursing home for them? Yeah we can busy all we want but try spending time with them, perhaps even join in the fun at those homes. They enjoy the company of others and they can even relate their experiences with each other. At the very least, they can have experts caring for them.
Think of parents just like how you would want your children to think of you.
another reason to get married with the one you love
yes, for this one lucky man who got saved by no other, then his own wedding ring!
He got robbed and using his hand to block the bullet,(maybe he thinks he is Hiro Nakamura from HEROES) to stop the bullet. However the bullet got hit and deflated buy the ring, saving him his own life!
Ring saves life of man whose shop was being robbed
JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Donnie Register has a new reason to be thankful he's married — police say his wedding band deflected a bullet and probably saved his life.
Two men walked into Register's shop at The Antique Market on Saturday and asked to see a coin collection, police Sgt. Jeffery Scott said.
When Register retrieved the collection, one of the men pulled a gun and demanded money. A shot was fired as Register threw up his left hand, and his wedding ring deflected the bullet, police said.
"The bullet managed to go through two of his fingers without severing the bone," said his wife, Darlene Register. "A part of the bullet broke off and is in his middle finger. The other part is in his neck, lodged in the muscle tissue. But it's not life-threatening."
She said she gives God all the credit.
so, anyone wants to marry me? I will give my honey a huge diamond ring!
Wednesday, 5 December 2007
lapband new weight loss technique
Well, it seems that Lapband technology is an improved or rather, a better technique altogether.
What it does, is not not damaging your inner organs, but rather reducing the stomach capacity so eating little, makes you full.
You may have thought, isnt that the same as conventional methods? Well,
First, they(surgeons) only make tiny incisions instead of huge ones (major surgery)
Nex, using special equipments, they insert them ito your body using the tiny incision. What they insert is a inflatable silicone band to your upper stomach.
Not only do they make ur stomach smaller, they make the food go slower so they are better digested. This makes the user of Lapband technology eat less, full and satisfied without worrying about gaining weight. In fact with Lapband, losing weight is an easy task. It is the tampa weight loss that will help everyone who is obese.
Saturday, 1 December 2007
water effects in computer games

this is classic man!
more images of water effects here
hmnn guess we are living in an era full of technology now :)
well, those pics are worth clicking and seeing. i mean look at how beautiful they are, even if you are not a fan of gaming.
Wednesday, 28 November 2007
business cards to fame
Well, if you are a–not-so famous blogger trying hard to make it to the hall of fame, the business card is a must. I mean how often do you get to exchange your business card and get traffic? Blogging is like a business nowadays! Promote them to get readership and viewership. And if that means getting down and dirty with all methods available, including mass spamming your friends mobile to get him to visit your blog, be a pest and bother people on msn to get them to your blog, or simply show that elegant business card for your blog?
If you blog well, who knows, they will let you publish your own book? Hehe we never know!
Oh, btw if we act quick enough,theres 100 FREE business cards available! Let them print those cards and be the envy among your friends!
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
girls planning to marry rich guys?
Title: Young andpretty lady wishes to marry a rich guy. Fantastic reply from a financial person.
A young and pretty lady posted this on a popular forum:
Title: What should Ido to marry a rich guy?
I'm going to be honest of what I'm going to say here. I'm 25 this year.I'm very pretty, have style and good taste. I wish to marry a guy with $500kannual salary or above. You might say that I'm greedy, but an annual salary of $1M is considered only as middle class in New York. My requirement is not high. Is there anyone inthis forum who has an income of $500k annual
salary? Are you all married? I wanted to ask: what should I do to marry rich persons like you? Among those I've dated, the richest is $250k annualincome, and it seems that this is my upper limit. If someone is going to moveinto high cost residential area on the west of New York City Garden, $250k annualincome is not enough.
I'm here humbly to ask a few questions:
1) Where do most rich bachelors hang out? (Please list down the
names and addresses of bars, restaurant,gym)
2) Which age group should I target?
3) Whymost wives of the riches is only average-looking? I've
met a few girls who doesn't have looks andare not interesting, but
they are able to marry rich guys
4) Howdo you decide who can be your wife, and who can only be
your girlfriend? (my target now is to getmarried)
Ms. Pretty
Here's a reply from a Wall Street Financial guy:
Dear Ms. Pretty,
I have read your post with great interest. Guess there are lots of girlsout there who have similar questions like yours. Please allow me to analyzeyour situation as a professional investor. My annual income is more than $500k, which meets your requirement, so I hope everyone believes that I'mnot wasting time here.
From the standpoint of a business person, it is a bad decision to marryyou. The answer is very simple, so let me explain. Put the details aside, whatyou're trying to do is an exchange of "beauty" and "money":Person A provides beauty, and Person B pays for it, fair and square.However, there's a deadly problem here, your beauty will fade, but my moneywill not be gone without any good reason. The fact is, my income might increasefrom year to year, but you can't be prettier year after year. Hence from theviewpoint of economics, I am an appreciation asset, and you are a depreciationasset. It's not just normal depreciation, but exponential depreciation. If thatis your only asset, your value will be much worried 10 years later.
By the terms we use in Wall Street, every trading has a position, datingwith you is also a "trading position". If the trade value dropped wewill sell it and it is not a good idea to keep it for long term – same goeswith the marriage that you wanted. It might be cruel to say this, but in order
to make a wiser decision any assets with great depreciation value will besold or "leased". Anyone with over $500k annual income is not a fool;we would only date you, but will not marry you. I would advice that you forgetlooking for any clues to marry a rich guy. And by the way, you could makeyourself to become a rich person with $500k annual income. This has better
chance than finding a rich fool.
Hope this reply helps. If you are interested in "leasing"services, do contact me.
signed, J.P. Morgan Morgan
very well said!
holiday 3 months
the furthest i ever went? Singapore. maybe i should fly myself to somewhere further.
anyway was browsing tourists attraction site until i saw a cool place call Spain. Well i was amazed with the attractions there. BULLFIGHTING! woohoo amazing. seeing them in videos are cool but they actually get to see those guys with red clothes getting pwn-ed hard.
of course get some rest and go get sleep in spain hotels. Don't tell me you are planning to sleep with the bulls? haha There are plenty of spain hotels around. So getting a cheap and budget one would be easy. Of course, if you area demanding person get the suite. Excellent stay from world class spain hotels.
there's Barcelona, a nice popular place. The structures are just super pretty. Amazingly engineered. When you get to visit these places, its all about the cultural values!
getting around the net and read about amazing tourists attraction is like getting there virtually. It will not be as good as going there but with limited budget, there's nothing I can do ;) looking at the beautiful night view pictures alone makes me melt. Well, even guys have desires to travel too!
Researching in the internet is good. You get to plan where to Spain sleepover and even budget hotels. amazing ;)
until i get enough money. till then.
Monday, 12 November 2007
insurance anyone?
Its the topic we would avoid at all cost. When debated, theres even a whole list of Insurance Plans Pros and Cons. Especially when we are all healthy, getting insurance is like cursing oneself as if something bad would happen. Well, nothing is expected in this world and its best to prepare for it beforehand!
Getting a life Family Insurance is an easy and affordable way to insure the whole family. The quote protect now or regret later is well said. Of course, its about time we prepare to face the dangerous world out there.
World peace not?
Whats wrong with the world?
Saturday’s street protest in Kuala Lumpur was an attempt to drag the royalty into opposition politics, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said.
The Prime Minister said the illegal gathering of thousands of people that ended with a memorandum being handed over to an Istana Negara official was an attempt by the opposition to “trap” the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
“I believe the King is more mature. The royalty understands and will not be trapped by their (the opposition’s) politics,” he said after opening the Parti Bersatu Sabah 22nd congress yesterday.
Abdullah described the illegal gathering that also saw the involvement of five opposition parties as a political gimmick.
“When the opposition thinks the elections will be called soon they do all sorts of activities to win support; that’s normal,” he added. *
Im on no one's side.
There are also lawyers protesting in Pakistan for election and the state of emergency to be withdrawn.
hmnnn so i guess, world peace not?
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Its festival of coupons again
Here comes the wish-list. Every year we hope to get them by hook or by crook. This year my wish-list is rather simple,
A nintendo DS-lite for the young me again!
and also toys and more toys.
that's when we want to save more using online coupons to grab these fantastic opportunity of further discounts. With all those cut-down prices, theres plenty of budget for more presents such as toys and electronics available at deals.
there's also more at Adidas coupons for sporting apparels and goods. Its end of the year and yes, the new year resolution to shred those pounds and fats from last year is not done yet. Its time to go for it since theres no more excuses not to exercise in these sporty and comfortable equipments from Adidas. Its time to bring those smiles again during this festive season. :)
We are getting stricter?
11 sites shut down by MCMC
KUALA LUMPUR: A total of 11 websites, including those created by bloggers, have been shut down by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) this year for contravening rules and regulations concerning the publication of information on the Internet.
Energy, Water and Communications Deputy Minister Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor said two cases have also been brought to the Attorney-General's Chambers for action.
He added the Government could take action under Section 211 and 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 against owners, operators or writers of websites who misused the Internet to spread slanderous comments, insulting the country's leaders, religious sensitivities and race.
Those who broke the law could be slapped with a RM50,000 fine, one year's jail or both, he said.
Not the latest but merely a warning for those who practice excessive freedom of speech. For our rights and human rights, freedom of speech is actually a noble thing but when abused and gone against the law, it would have devastating powers. There should be limit to everything isnt it? Would you go all-out on your opinion or would you rather just believe it yourself and not go around causing so much harm?
easy way to find replacement cartridge
This is where Cartridge Finder comes in. Arranged and sorted systematically according to brand and model type, finding the replacement ink for that dusty printer is merely few clicks away. Its unique simple interface makes it easy to find your, with more than 10,000 different models of printer, copier, and fax machines in their database.
Theres also collaboration with, where their merchant listings are updated and checked to obtain the best price available.
Interesting how the internet can help us do thing more efficiently.